Friday, March 12, 2010

How to tie your ice skates?

when u tie ur ice skates do u just tie them like you would tie your shoes or is there a special way to tie them?

How to tie your ice skates?
Here is a website that explains how to properly lace your figure skates.
Reply:It is important to tie your skates tighter at the ankle. A loose ankle can cause injuries. Double knot them so they dont become loose. Dont tie them too tight at the top as it wont give you much flexibility

also if you are starting with a new pair of pro figure skates and are breaking into them i would recommend you not tie the last hook to give you more flexibility and comfort when you start out. then later you can tie it to the very top
Reply:i used what is called a double knot, you tied then like you do ur shoes then take the left over and tie them again just like you would if you were tieing from the first time, but to untie is sometimes hard you have to pull only one string really hard to get them to untie or you will have a big knot. good luck
Reply:Same, just pull veeeerry tightly ahve to lace them up like criss cross and tie them really tight and i would double knot.


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