Wednesday, March 17, 2010

College Care Package for Awesome Daughter!?

I am putting together a care package to send my daughter at college. She had a list of clothes items that she wanted and I have already purchased those i.e.a black pea coat, numerous stuff from Aeropostle and Polo, shoes etc. However, I want to give her something special and creative. Can you help me? Thanks in advance!

College Care Package for Awesome Daughter!?
Your so sweet! And believe me, no-one needs a care package so much as a college kid lol.

Hmmm... while it may not be creative, I'm going to list some things I always needed on college:

Instant Noodles (90% of a uni students diet lol)

Girly products like deodorant, nail care kit, favourite shampoo, good moisturiser, pretty new underware.

Floss and a new toothbrush.

A good book.

Gift Vouchers.

Bottled water, other assorted drinks.


Snacks like chips or nuts, or something else she likes.

Nurophen, bandaids.

Really good lady razor.

Spare chnage in a jar.

Long life juice in a carton.

Feminine products (nudge nudge wink wink).


A big fluffy towl.

Lip balm.

Phone credit.


A good CD.



I know its all a bit higglety pigglety, but it really comes in handy for a girl on college.

Its so nice to hear someone talk about their daughter like that. I hope you find something lovely to send her :)
Reply:home made brownies! My mom still sends me these once a month! They travel well and are so yummy :)


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