Friday, March 12, 2010

For Muslim or who know it.?

I'm always confuse.

When a muslim enter to the Mosque, they should leave their shoes infront of the Mosque.

My curious quetion is; How can they recognize thier own ? Infact there r thousand of shoes there. How about if some one make some special mark on his/her shoes to recognize his/her own ? Thank u very much.

For Muslim or who know it.?
you know where you put them .you know how they look

some big masjids has like a safe place that you can keep your shoes and get a number

Great question :D

Muslims dont need to leave their shoes outside the mosque, they can carry a small bag with them and put them inside while theyre in the mosque.

Also, mosques in Turkey have what is known as shoe stalls so people could place them there.

There are a lot of solutions for this but its not a religious thing. It is mostly cultural and will change from one country to another.
Reply:never had a problem finding my shoes. you know the location of the shoes, the size, the looks, and the color.
Reply:at Scott

we have all what we need

you see I'm answering this question

which means i have a computer !

you need to learn how to respect others religions


as the first answerer said

we know where we left them

or we just take plastic bags

i've never lost any shoes anywhere before :)
Reply:Muslims own shoes? Dear God! Next they'll have microwaves!! And eventually. . . ovens. God save us.
Reply:thats strange

i'm a muslim and i've never had a problem finding my shoes even when i go to bigger mosques with thousands of people.

maintenance repairs

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