"Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair." (Kahlil Gibran)
I’m a German but I’ve left Europe for good, living in India for the past seven years. I’m quite an average guy – except for my trademark: I'm always barefoot, all-year-round, wherever I go, whatever I do! Most of my friends have never seen me wearing shoes… For me, being barefoot isn’t just a fashion statement: It’s a lifestyle, a way to express myself. And of course an amazing sensual experience: I can FEEL the ground! Would you wear gloves all-year-round? Nopes! So: Why shoes? Walking barefoot, I’m far more “in touch”, in touch with nature, with Mother Earth… Energy can flow freely, I’m never disconnected. It’s very refreshing and stimulating, and the ecological impact is far less dramatic (erosion!) if I’m hiking without shoes. Somehow I’m more defensive, less aggressive if barefoot. Walking barefoot isn’t only special but also communicative: Travelling a lot I’ve made friends in many countries, explaining why I’m roaming around barefoot!
Coming to India I realized: Many people are barefoot, all the time and everywhere, not only in rural areas and villages but also in town! Even if you’re staying in a big city – one of those hot-spots of modernization and westernisation: You’ll be unable to spend ten minutes in the streets without spotting a pair of dusty bare feet! And it seems quite obvious to me that living barefoot isn’t a privileged of the poor, especially in the South, especially in cities like Chennai. But I wonder: What about the educated youth – students, university graduates? Has anyone of you chosen to go barefoot for fun, ‘cause it’s cool or healthy?
Is it common among Indian students to go barefoot for fun, ‘cause it’s cool or healthy?
Why are you so ******* obsessed with being barefoot?
Reply:As a yoga therapist I tell my students to walk barefooted
but so far nobody has dared. When I visit stadium to walk
I always remove my chappals(sandal) and walk
barefooted and to add to that I always walk clockwise
round the stadium and rest whole of the crowd walk
anticlockwise. It is embarassing and awkward but I push
on because nobody dare to get into an argument but I do
get strange looks for being barefooted as well as walking
clockwise direction and this is in India and that to south
india. I guess they think of me as a square plug in a round
hole. Educated indian youths - students, university graduates
walking barefooted for fun, 'cause it's cool or healthy' you
must be kidding I haven't met a single one of them.
Reply:What the ****?
Reply:It maybe,im not certain
Reply:nope.. no educated person in north india walks barefoot...
personally... people say my hands and feet are really beautiful..
n no im not bragging.. i didnt notice them until people pounted them out! anyways.. they're probably the only beautiful feature i have in me... so i cover them up all the time! to save them from dust and sunlight! hehe.. sounds stupid.. but is true... i wear shoes all the time! i guess im obssessed with keeping my feet clean and spotless!
Reply:No, because of their choice
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Are you Bored?
474 Things To Do When You're Bored
- Wax the ceiling
- Rearrange political campaign signs
- Sharpen your teeth
- Play Houdini with one of your siblings
- Braid your dog's hair
- Clean and polish your belly button
- Water your dog...see if he grows
- Wash a tree
- Knight yourself
- Name your child Edsel
- Scare Stephen King
- Give your cat a mohawk
- Purr
- Mow your carpet
- Play Pat Boone records backwards
- Vacuum your lawn
- Sleep on a bed of nails
- DON'T toss and turn
- Boil ice cream
- Run around in squares
- Think of quadruple entendres
- Speak in acronyms
- Have your pillow X-rayed
- Drink straight shots...of water
- Calmly have a nervous breakdown
- Give your goldfish a perm
- Fly a brick
- Play tag...on West 35th Street
- Exorcise a ghost
- Exercise a ghost
- Be blue
- Be red
- But don't be orange
- Plant a shoe
- Sweat
- Give a Rorschach test to your gerbil
- Turn
- Write a letter to Plato
- Mail it
- Take your sofa for a walk
- Start
- Stop
- Dial 911 and breathe heavily
- Go to a funeral...tell jokes
- Play the piano...with mittens on
- Scheme
- Sit
- Stay
- Water your family room
- Cause a power failure
- Roll over
- Play dead
- Find a witch
- Burn her
- Donate your brother's body to science
- Ask why
- Wriggle
- Regress
- Sleepwalk without sleeping
- Try to join Hell's Angels by mail
- Wonder
- Be a square root
- Ask stupid questions
- Weld your car doors shut
- Spew
- Vacation at Three-Mile Island
- Surf Ohio
- Teach your pet rock to play dead
- Go bowling for small game
- Be a monk...for a day
- Wear a sweatband to your wedding
- Staple
- Run away
- Intimidate a piece of chalk
- Abuse the plumbing
- Bend a florescent light
- Bend a brick
- Annoy total strangers
- Let the best man win
- Believe in Santa Claus
- Throw marshmallows against the wall
- Hold an ice cube as long as possible
- Adopt strange mannerisms
- Blow up a balloon until it pops
- Sing soft and sweet and clear
- Sing loud and sour and gravely
- Open everything
- Balance a pencil on your nose
- Pour milk in your shoes
- Write graffiti under the rug
- Embarrass yourself
- Grind your teeth
- Chew ice
- Count your belly button
- Sit in a row
- Stack crumbs
- Gesture
- Save your toenail clippings
- Make a pass at your blender
- Punt
- Make up words that start with X
- Make oatmeal in the bathtub
- Search for the Lost Chord
- Chew on a sofa cushion
- Sing a duet
- Balance a pillow on your head
- Hold your breath
- Faint
- Stretch
- Flash your mailman
- Teach your TA English
- Learn to speak Farsi
- Swear in Russian
- Use an eraser until it goes away
- Disassemble your car
- Put it together inside out
- Record your walls
- Interview your feet
- Make a list of your favorite fungi
- Sell formaldehyde
- Repeat
- Ad lib
- Fade
- File your teeth - Whine
- Rake your carpet
- Re-elect Richard Nixon
- Critique "Three's Company"
- Listen to a painting
- Play with matches
- Buff your cat
- Race ferrets
- Paint your house...Day-Glow Orange
- Have a formal dinner at White Castle
- Read Homer in the original Greek
- Learn Greek
- Change your mind
- Change it back
- Watch the sun...see if it moves
- Build a pyramid
- Stand on your head
- Stand on someone else's head
- Spit shine your Nikes
- See how long you can stay awake
- See how long you can sleep
- Paint your teeth
- Wear a salad
- Speak with a forked tongue
- Paint stripes on a lake
- Ski Kansas
- Sleep in freefall
- Kill a Joule
- Test thin ice...with a pogo stick
- Apply for a unicorn hunting license
- Do a good job
- Crawl
- Invite the Mansons over for dinner
- Paint your windows
- Watch a watch until it stops
- Flash your goldfish
- Paint
- Flirt with an evergreen
- Smile
- Rotate your garden...daily
- Paint a smile
- Shoot a fire hydrant
- Apologize to it
- Pretend you're blind
- Annoy yourself
- Get mad at yourself
- Stop speaking to yourself
- Be a side effect
- Ride a bicycle...up Mt. McKinley
- Duck
- Redecorate...your garage
- Develop a complex
- Join the Army...be someone simple
- Try harder
- Hit the deck
- Put leg-warmers on your furniture
- Cut the deck
- Crumple
- Translate Shakespeare into English
- Skydive to church
- Cheer up a potato
- Do aerobic exercises...in your head
- Play cards with your swimming pool
- Pinstripe your driveway
- Play Kick the Fire Hydrant
- Harness chipmunk power
- Build a house with ice cubes
- Call London for a cab
- Mug a stop sign
- Change your name...daily
- Go for a walk in your attic
- Challenge your neighbor to a duel
- Build a house out of toothpicks
- Howl
- Wear a lampshade on your head
- Memorize the dictionary
- Stomp grapes in the bathtub
- Find a bug and chase it
- Make yourself a pair of wings
- Be immobile
- Dance 'til you drop
- Check under chairs for chewing gum
- Squish a loaf of bread
- Moo
- Bounce a potato
- Outmaneuver your shadow
- Climb the walls
- Appreciate everything
- Challenge yourself to a duel
- Make napalm
- Tattoo your dresser
- Watch a bowling ball
- Buy some diapers
- Eat everything
- Begin
- Pour milk in the sink
- Make cottage cheese
- Tie-dye your sheets
- Carpet your ceiling
- Hold your earlobes
- Fold your earlobes
- Flap
- Squawk
- Read tea leaves
- Analyze the Koran
- Be Buddha
- Award yourself a Nobel Peace Prize
- Plug in the cat
- Turn on everything
- Drop pebbles down the chimney
- Turn off your neighbor
- Kill a plant
- Buy a 1931 Almanac
- Memorize the weather section
- Think lewd thoughts about yourself
- Blow bubbles
- Send chills down your spine
- Peel grapes
- Make paper from the skins
- Bloat
- Catch them with your radiator
- Get run over by a train of thought
- Make up famous sayings
- Bite your pinkie - Get your dog braces
- Shave a shrub
- Have a proton fight
- Watch a car rust
- Quiver
- Rotate your carpet
- Learn to type...with your toes
- Set up your Christmas tree in April
- Be someone special
- Buy the Brooklyn Bridge
- Mail it to a friend
- Go back to square one
- Factor your social security number
- Take the fifth
- Memorize a series of random numbers
- Read the 1962 Des Moines white pages
- Join the Foreign Legion
- Learn Sanskrit
- Exist...existentially, of course
- Print counterfeit Confederate money
- Kick a cabbage
- Take a picture
- Put it back
- Sandpaper a mushroom
- Play solitaire...for cash
- Abuse your patio furniture
- Run for Pope
- Count to a million...fast
- Make a schematic drawing...of a rock
- Commit seppuku...with a paper knife
- Revert
- Think shallow thoughts
- Starch your shoes
- Polish your Calvin's
- Contemplate a cockroach
- Get a dog to chase your car
- Let him catch it
- Investigate the Czar
- Form a political party
- Climb a sidewalk
- Have a political party
- Get diagonal...with a good friend
- Ride a loaf of bread
- Sharpen a carrot
- Interrogate a gerbil
- Go bow hunting for Toyotas
- Kidnap Cabbage Patch Kids
- Jump back
- Play to lose
- Scalp a street light
- Have your car painted...plaid
- Read a tomato
- Sharpen your sleeping skills
- Watch a game show...take notes
- Put out a fire
- If you can't find a fire, make one
- Interview a cloud
- Play tiddlywinks...go for blood
- Play basketball...in a minefield
- Don't talk to things
- Draw Lewis structures on your ceiling
- Have your cat bronzed
- Have your gerbil gilded
- Write books about writing books
- Create random equations
- Mispell words
- Tell your feet a joke
- Throw a tomato into a fan
- Sing the ABC song backwards
- Pretend you're a dog
- Dial-a-prayer and argue with it
- Grease the doorknobs
- String up a room
- Stack furniture
- Relive fond memories
- Tie your shoelaces together
- Gargle
- Count your teeth with your tongue
- Decay
- Find your half-life
- Design a better toilet seat
- Shred a newspaper
- Have a headache
- Scratch
- Sniff
- Hatch an egg
- Play air guitar
- Act profound
- Spill
- Spell
- Stare
- Truncate
- Slouch
- Develop hearing problems
- Put your feet behind your head
- Tie bows in everything
- Hold your hand
- Watch the minute hand move
- Grow your fingernails
- Pretend you're a telephone
- Ring
- Radiate
- Skip
- Play hopscotch...with real scotch
- Clock the velocity of your REMs
- Put your shoes on the opposite feet
- Cross your toes
- Roll your tongue
- Crystallize
- Baby oil the floor
- Hide
- Attack innocent bunnies
- Declare war
- Destroy a tree
- Hide the scrabble bag
- Seduce your stick shift
- Wink
- Memorize the periodic table
- Mummify
- Pretend you're a roadie
- Buy a Ginsu knife
- Collect electrons
- Correct typos that aren't there
- Polish your neck...use Pledge
- Recopy the Bible substituting your name for God
- Loosen the lug nuts on your dad's new car
- Drop your cat off the roof to see if it lands on all four feet
- Count the bags under Walter Mondale's eyes
- Unscrew all the lightbulbs and rearrange the furniture
- Found the Jim Jones School of Bartending
- Listen for non-satanic messages (i.e. "Drink milk")
- Dress like Motley Crue...surprise your grandmother
- Dial-a-Prayer and tell them they're wrong
- Go into a bar and ask for a Molotov Cocktail
- Learn everything there is to know about the Holy Roman Empire
- Make a drive-in window at your local bank where there wasn't one before
- Walk on water...but don't get caught
- Confess to a crime...that didn't happen
- Be in the wrong place at the right time
- Plot the overthrow of your local School Board
- Request covert assistance from the CIA
- Discover the source of the Mississippi
- Search for buried treasure...in Nebraska
- Hot wax the bottom of your brother's dress shoes
- Preach the philosophy of Marx...Groucho, that is
- Drink as much prune juice as you can
- Write a book about your previous life
- Serve ping-pong balls...as hors d'oeuvres
- Jump up and down...on your alarm clock
- Make a quilt out of used cocktail napkins
- Sterilize your stereo...with Jack Daniels
- Carve you and your girlfriend's initials...in a marshmallow
- Drive the speed limit...in your garage
- Sing the national anthem...during your calculus final
- Wear a three-piece suit...in a sauna
- Pay off the national debt...with a bad check
- Go to a cemetary and verbally abuse dead people
- Give yourself a hernia...for Christmas
- Defend your neighborhood from roving Mongol hordes
- Recite romantic poetry...to your toaster
- See if you really can build a nuclear device in your own basement
- Go to McDonald's and pretend you can't speak English
- Write to your congressmen, senators, President, etc. to tell them what a good
- job they're doing...On April 1st
- Find the heat capacity of your chemistry professor
- Take apart all your major kitchen appliances...mix and match them
- Turn your TV picture tube upside down
- Phone in a death threat on President Kennedy
- Put lighted EXIT signs on all your closets
- Carry a tune...drop it, see if it breaks
- Be planar...but don't tell your parents
- Play hockey with your little cousin...as the puck
- Make a deal with the devil...but keep your fingers crossed
- Put instant concrete in your big brother's waterbed
- Give a lecture on the historical significance of cream cheese
- Debate politics with a fern
- See how small you can scrunch your face - Sell firewood door to door...in Atlantis
- Found the TLO (Toledo Liberation Organization)
- Play nuclear chicken with a small third world nation
- Raise professional certified racing turnips
- Give your grandmother a raise and another day of paid vacation
- Lead an aerobics class...for patients of the I.C.U.
- Go to a drive-in movie in a tank
- Go to a non-drive-in movie in a tank and drive in anyway
- Send President Reagan an alarm clock...wind it up first
- Found a cockroach stable and stud ranch
- Send your goldfish to obedience school
- Free the oppressed toasters of America
- Weave a tablecloth out of copper tubing
- Give your cat a suntan...in the microwave
- Park your car...with a friend
- Park your car...with a group of friends
- Frame your first statement of bankruptcy
- Place it on the wall of your office
- Solve the population problem (x^2 + y^2 = population...solve for x)
- Contribute to the population problem
- Wear a T-shirt that says "I'll walk on you to see The Who" and a peace sign
- Practice the Aztec method of heart removal on your professor
- Find out who made the super glue commercials and give them your Ginsu knife
- Get Ronco and K-tel to merge...they sell the same stuff anyway
- Sneak into a nuclear physics lab and stay the night
- Play with anything that looks interesting
- Drop piston engines on two people and see who squishes first
- See if your goldfish can live in Coors rather than water
- Try to ignite water...the Mississippi might work
- Draw Venn diagrams...screw them up
- State fallacies as fact (like, "peanuts grow on bushes")
- Visit the Architecture building...loudly criticize its design
- Make a schematic drawing...of a rock
- Wallpaper your laundry room...with pages from books you don't like
- See if diamonds really do cut glass...on everything in your neighbor's house
- Tenderize your tongue...chew on it for a while
- See how long you can stare at a fluorescent light...try green
- Bronze your sister's turtle
- See how long it takes for her to notice
- See what she does when she notices
- Bronze your sister- If you lose, stop watering it and try again.
- Increase your territorial holdings by force
- Find out how many ways there really are to skin a cat
- Boldly go where no man has gone before
- Be a threat to the American way of life
- Do research into the cause of World War III
- Be a threat to the Northwestern Tibetan way of life
- Re-establish the Roman Empire...in Pittsburgh
Are you Bored?
most of that stuff i cant do b/c im at work
Reply:what a scream! If anyone could scare Stephen King that would be a real achievement! You are very creative. Love it! Report It
Reply:I would rather play a round of Scrabble at Scrabulous!
Reply:Interesting, but you could always play the pingu bashing game... my whole office is hooked.
P.S. salmon
Reply:i guess you are unemployed
Reply:I like the, "Pay off the national debt...with a bad check" and "Phone in a death threat on President Kennedy
Reply:lol... very original good stuff.
Reply:I'd like a Molotov cocktail please barkeep.
Reply:OK, didn't read all of these because too long...but...
That should answer your question. ;-)
skin rashes
- Wax the ceiling
- Rearrange political campaign signs
- Sharpen your teeth
- Play Houdini with one of your siblings
- Braid your dog's hair
- Clean and polish your belly button
- Water your dog...see if he grows
- Wash a tree
- Knight yourself
- Name your child Edsel
- Scare Stephen King
- Give your cat a mohawk
- Purr
- Mow your carpet
- Play Pat Boone records backwards
- Vacuum your lawn
- Sleep on a bed of nails
- DON'T toss and turn
- Boil ice cream
- Run around in squares
- Think of quadruple entendres
- Speak in acronyms
- Have your pillow X-rayed
- Drink straight shots...of water
- Calmly have a nervous breakdown
- Give your goldfish a perm
- Fly a brick
- Play tag...on West 35th Street
- Exorcise a ghost
- Exercise a ghost
- Be blue
- Be red
- But don't be orange
- Plant a shoe
- Sweat
- Give a Rorschach test to your gerbil
- Turn
- Write a letter to Plato
- Mail it
- Take your sofa for a walk
- Start
- Stop
- Dial 911 and breathe heavily
- Go to a funeral...tell jokes
- Play the piano...with mittens on
- Scheme
- Sit
- Stay
- Water your family room
- Cause a power failure
- Roll over
- Play dead
- Find a witch
- Burn her
- Donate your brother's body to science
- Ask why
- Wriggle
- Regress
- Sleepwalk without sleeping
- Try to join Hell's Angels by mail
- Wonder
- Be a square root
- Ask stupid questions
- Weld your car doors shut
- Spew
- Vacation at Three-Mile Island
- Surf Ohio
- Teach your pet rock to play dead
- Go bowling for small game
- Be a monk...for a day
- Wear a sweatband to your wedding
- Staple
- Run away
- Intimidate a piece of chalk
- Abuse the plumbing
- Bend a florescent light
- Bend a brick
- Annoy total strangers
- Let the best man win
- Believe in Santa Claus
- Throw marshmallows against the wall
- Hold an ice cube as long as possible
- Adopt strange mannerisms
- Blow up a balloon until it pops
- Sing soft and sweet and clear
- Sing loud and sour and gravely
- Open everything
- Balance a pencil on your nose
- Pour milk in your shoes
- Write graffiti under the rug
- Embarrass yourself
- Grind your teeth
- Chew ice
- Count your belly button
- Sit in a row
- Stack crumbs
- Gesture
- Save your toenail clippings
- Make a pass at your blender
- Punt
- Make up words that start with X
- Make oatmeal in the bathtub
- Search for the Lost Chord
- Chew on a sofa cushion
- Sing a duet
- Balance a pillow on your head
- Hold your breath
- Faint
- Stretch
- Flash your mailman
- Teach your TA English
- Learn to speak Farsi
- Swear in Russian
- Use an eraser until it goes away
- Disassemble your car
- Put it together inside out
- Record your walls
- Interview your feet
- Make a list of your favorite fungi
- Sell formaldehyde
- Repeat
- Ad lib
- Fade
- File your teeth - Whine
- Rake your carpet
- Re-elect Richard Nixon
- Critique "Three's Company"
- Listen to a painting
- Play with matches
- Buff your cat
- Race ferrets
- Paint your house...Day-Glow Orange
- Have a formal dinner at White Castle
- Read Homer in the original Greek
- Learn Greek
- Change your mind
- Change it back
- Watch the sun...see if it moves
- Build a pyramid
- Stand on your head
- Stand on someone else's head
- Spit shine your Nikes
- See how long you can stay awake
- See how long you can sleep
- Paint your teeth
- Wear a salad
- Speak with a forked tongue
- Paint stripes on a lake
- Ski Kansas
- Sleep in freefall
- Kill a Joule
- Test thin ice...with a pogo stick
- Apply for a unicorn hunting license
- Do a good job
- Crawl
- Invite the Mansons over for dinner
- Paint your windows
- Watch a watch until it stops
- Flash your goldfish
- Paint
- Flirt with an evergreen
- Smile
- Rotate your garden...daily
- Paint a smile
- Shoot a fire hydrant
- Apologize to it
- Pretend you're blind
- Annoy yourself
- Get mad at yourself
- Stop speaking to yourself
- Be a side effect
- Ride a bicycle...up Mt. McKinley
- Duck
- Redecorate...your garage
- Develop a complex
- Join the Army...be someone simple
- Try harder
- Hit the deck
- Put leg-warmers on your furniture
- Cut the deck
- Crumple
- Translate Shakespeare into English
- Skydive to church
- Cheer up a potato
- Do aerobic exercises...in your head
- Play cards with your swimming pool
- Pinstripe your driveway
- Play Kick the Fire Hydrant
- Harness chipmunk power
- Build a house with ice cubes
- Call London for a cab
- Mug a stop sign
- Change your name...daily
- Go for a walk in your attic
- Challenge your neighbor to a duel
- Build a house out of toothpicks
- Howl
- Wear a lampshade on your head
- Memorize the dictionary
- Stomp grapes in the bathtub
- Find a bug and chase it
- Make yourself a pair of wings
- Be immobile
- Dance 'til you drop
- Check under chairs for chewing gum
- Squish a loaf of bread
- Moo
- Bounce a potato
- Outmaneuver your shadow
- Climb the walls
- Appreciate everything
- Challenge yourself to a duel
- Make napalm
- Tattoo your dresser
- Watch a bowling ball
- Buy some diapers
- Eat everything
- Begin
- Pour milk in the sink
- Make cottage cheese
- Tie-dye your sheets
- Carpet your ceiling
- Hold your earlobes
- Fold your earlobes
- Flap
- Squawk
- Read tea leaves
- Analyze the Koran
- Be Buddha
- Award yourself a Nobel Peace Prize
- Plug in the cat
- Turn on everything
- Drop pebbles down the chimney
- Turn off your neighbor
- Kill a plant
- Buy a 1931 Almanac
- Memorize the weather section
- Think lewd thoughts about yourself
- Blow bubbles
- Send chills down your spine
- Peel grapes
- Make paper from the skins
- Bloat
- Catch them with your radiator
- Get run over by a train of thought
- Make up famous sayings
- Bite your pinkie - Get your dog braces
- Shave a shrub
- Have a proton fight
- Watch a car rust
- Quiver
- Rotate your carpet
- Learn to type...with your toes
- Set up your Christmas tree in April
- Be someone special
- Buy the Brooklyn Bridge
- Mail it to a friend
- Go back to square one
- Factor your social security number
- Take the fifth
- Memorize a series of random numbers
- Read the 1962 Des Moines white pages
- Join the Foreign Legion
- Learn Sanskrit
- Exist...existentially, of course
- Print counterfeit Confederate money
- Kick a cabbage
- Take a picture
- Put it back
- Sandpaper a mushroom
- Play solitaire...for cash
- Abuse your patio furniture
- Run for Pope
- Count to a million...fast
- Make a schematic drawing...of a rock
- Commit seppuku...with a paper knife
- Revert
- Think shallow thoughts
- Starch your shoes
- Polish your Calvin's
- Contemplate a cockroach
- Get a dog to chase your car
- Let him catch it
- Investigate the Czar
- Form a political party
- Climb a sidewalk
- Have a political party
- Get diagonal...with a good friend
- Ride a loaf of bread
- Sharpen a carrot
- Interrogate a gerbil
- Go bow hunting for Toyotas
- Kidnap Cabbage Patch Kids
- Jump back
- Play to lose
- Scalp a street light
- Have your car painted...plaid
- Read a tomato
- Sharpen your sleeping skills
- Watch a game show...take notes
- Put out a fire
- If you can't find a fire, make one
- Interview a cloud
- Play tiddlywinks...go for blood
- Play basketball...in a minefield
- Don't talk to things
- Draw Lewis structures on your ceiling
- Have your cat bronzed
- Have your gerbil gilded
- Write books about writing books
- Create random equations
- Mispell words
- Tell your feet a joke
- Throw a tomato into a fan
- Sing the ABC song backwards
- Pretend you're a dog
- Dial-a-prayer and argue with it
- Grease the doorknobs
- String up a room
- Stack furniture
- Relive fond memories
- Tie your shoelaces together
- Gargle
- Count your teeth with your tongue
- Decay
- Find your half-life
- Design a better toilet seat
- Shred a newspaper
- Have a headache
- Scratch
- Sniff
- Hatch an egg
- Play air guitar
- Act profound
- Spill
- Spell
- Stare
- Truncate
- Slouch
- Develop hearing problems
- Put your feet behind your head
- Tie bows in everything
- Hold your hand
- Watch the minute hand move
- Grow your fingernails
- Pretend you're a telephone
- Ring
- Radiate
- Skip
- Play hopscotch...with real scotch
- Clock the velocity of your REMs
- Put your shoes on the opposite feet
- Cross your toes
- Roll your tongue
- Crystallize
- Baby oil the floor
- Hide
- Attack innocent bunnies
- Declare war
- Destroy a tree
- Hide the scrabble bag
- Seduce your stick shift
- Wink
- Memorize the periodic table
- Mummify
- Pretend you're a roadie
- Buy a Ginsu knife
- Collect electrons
- Correct typos that aren't there
- Polish your neck...use Pledge
- Recopy the Bible substituting your name for God
- Loosen the lug nuts on your dad's new car
- Drop your cat off the roof to see if it lands on all four feet
- Count the bags under Walter Mondale's eyes
- Unscrew all the lightbulbs and rearrange the furniture
- Found the Jim Jones School of Bartending
- Listen for non-satanic messages (i.e. "Drink milk")
- Dress like Motley Crue...surprise your grandmother
- Dial-a-Prayer and tell them they're wrong
- Go into a bar and ask for a Molotov Cocktail
- Learn everything there is to know about the Holy Roman Empire
- Make a drive-in window at your local bank where there wasn't one before
- Walk on water...but don't get caught
- Confess to a crime...that didn't happen
- Be in the wrong place at the right time
- Plot the overthrow of your local School Board
- Request covert assistance from the CIA
- Discover the source of the Mississippi
- Search for buried treasure...in Nebraska
- Hot wax the bottom of your brother's dress shoes
- Preach the philosophy of Marx...Groucho, that is
- Drink as much prune juice as you can
- Write a book about your previous life
- Serve ping-pong balls...as hors d'oeuvres
- Jump up and down...on your alarm clock
- Make a quilt out of used cocktail napkins
- Sterilize your stereo...with Jack Daniels
- Carve you and your girlfriend's initials...in a marshmallow
- Drive the speed limit...in your garage
- Sing the national anthem...during your calculus final
- Wear a three-piece suit...in a sauna
- Pay off the national debt...with a bad check
- Go to a cemetary and verbally abuse dead people
- Give yourself a hernia...for Christmas
- Defend your neighborhood from roving Mongol hordes
- Recite romantic poetry...to your toaster
- See if you really can build a nuclear device in your own basement
- Go to McDonald's and pretend you can't speak English
- Write to your congressmen, senators, President, etc. to tell them what a good
- job they're doing...On April 1st
- Find the heat capacity of your chemistry professor
- Take apart all your major kitchen appliances...mix and match them
- Turn your TV picture tube upside down
- Phone in a death threat on President Kennedy
- Put lighted EXIT signs on all your closets
- Carry a tune...drop it, see if it breaks
- Be planar...but don't tell your parents
- Play hockey with your little cousin...as the puck
- Make a deal with the devil...but keep your fingers crossed
- Put instant concrete in your big brother's waterbed
- Give a lecture on the historical significance of cream cheese
- Debate politics with a fern
- See how small you can scrunch your face - Sell firewood door to door...in Atlantis
- Found the TLO (Toledo Liberation Organization)
- Play nuclear chicken with a small third world nation
- Raise professional certified racing turnips
- Give your grandmother a raise and another day of paid vacation
- Lead an aerobics class...for patients of the I.C.U.
- Go to a drive-in movie in a tank
- Go to a non-drive-in movie in a tank and drive in anyway
- Send President Reagan an alarm clock...wind it up first
- Found a cockroach stable and stud ranch
- Send your goldfish to obedience school
- Free the oppressed toasters of America
- Weave a tablecloth out of copper tubing
- Give your cat a suntan...in the microwave
- Park your car...with a friend
- Park your car...with a group of friends
- Frame your first statement of bankruptcy
- Place it on the wall of your office
- Solve the population problem (x^2 + y^2 = population...solve for x)
- Contribute to the population problem
- Wear a T-shirt that says "I'll walk on you to see The Who" and a peace sign
- Practice the Aztec method of heart removal on your professor
- Find out who made the super glue commercials and give them your Ginsu knife
- Get Ronco and K-tel to merge...they sell the same stuff anyway
- Sneak into a nuclear physics lab and stay the night
- Play with anything that looks interesting
- Drop piston engines on two people and see who squishes first
- See if your goldfish can live in Coors rather than water
- Try to ignite water...the Mississippi might work
- Draw Venn diagrams...screw them up
- State fallacies as fact (like, "peanuts grow on bushes")
- Visit the Architecture building...loudly criticize its design
- Make a schematic drawing...of a rock
- Wallpaper your laundry room...with pages from books you don't like
- See if diamonds really do cut glass...on everything in your neighbor's house
- Tenderize your tongue...chew on it for a while
- See how long you can stare at a fluorescent light...try green
- Bronze your sister's turtle
- See how long it takes for her to notice
- See what she does when she notices
- Bronze your sister- If you lose, stop watering it and try again.
- Increase your territorial holdings by force
- Find out how many ways there really are to skin a cat
- Boldly go where no man has gone before
- Be a threat to the American way of life
- Do research into the cause of World War III
- Be a threat to the Northwestern Tibetan way of life
- Re-establish the Roman Empire...in Pittsburgh
Are you Bored?
most of that stuff i cant do b/c im at work
Reply:what a scream! If anyone could scare Stephen King that would be a real achievement! You are very creative. Love it! Report It
Reply:I would rather play a round of Scrabble at Scrabulous!
Reply:Interesting, but you could always play the pingu bashing game... my whole office is hooked.
P.S. salmon
Reply:i guess you are unemployed
Reply:I like the, "Pay off the national debt...with a bad check" and "Phone in a death threat on President Kennedy
Reply:lol... very original good stuff.
Reply:I'd like a Molotov cocktail please barkeep.
Reply:OK, didn't read all of these because too long...but...
That should answer your question. ;-)
skin rashes
Returning an item to Charlotte Russe?
So I bought these flats from Charlotte Russe. When I tried them on there, I had socks on because I was wearing tennis shoes. So I bought them in a 7 because they fit at the store. Well, you don't normally wear this type of shoe with socks and they are a little big and I think I need the size 6. I have the receipt and the tag, but the tag is not attached. I just don't have that little plastic ring that attached the tag to the shoes. Can I still return them and get the size 6? Do they have some special tag attacher thing? I tried to tie it on with some bendy wire stuff. I really love the shoes, but they don't fit and I really want them in a size 6! What can I do?
Returning an item to Charlotte Russe?
go to the store and say that you want to exchange it, if you have the tag and the receipt, but the tag is not attached they should still let you do it because you're not returning it, just exchanging it.
car makes
Returning an item to Charlotte Russe?
go to the store and say that you want to exchange it, if you have the tag and the receipt, but the tag is not attached they should still let you do it because you're not returning it, just exchanging it.
car makes
My school has uniforms AND a dress code. How can I protest the new, strict rules?
I go to a private school and I am required to wear uniforms. What makes this worse is that we also have a dress code. We have to wear certain color belts and socks. Next year, they are making the rules much more strict. Even our shoes have to be certain colors and now we have to wear special clothes on chapel days (it is a private Christian school). I'm quite upset about this. I doubt I will even be able to remember to wear special clothes everytime we have chapel, and the other rules in my opinion take the dress code too far. Teenagers need to be able to have some sort of individuality in their appearance at school, even if they wear uniforms.
I would like to find some way to protest this. I think a petition would be one possible ideas, but I need others. Can anyone give me some advice on what to do?
I am sure some of you disagree with me and believe what my school is doing is a good idea. I respect that, but I don't need a lecture. Try to see this from my point of view.
My school has uniforms AND a dress code. How can I protest the new, strict rules?
go to school naked. or put leaves over your privates so you look like eve, how can a christian school kick you out then? lol
Reply:Definetly get other students and parents involved. They want to make it so kids arent trying to compete about what they are wearing but that gives you no way to express yourself.
If you started by saying you want to choose your own shoes, socks and given a choice of a few pants, shorts, skirts in a couple different colors, it would be easier than protesting the uniform overall.
Be decisive and have a plan if you intend on leading this rally.
Reply:See if other students share your opinion, and than start a petition. Try to get some teachers and parents involved too.
Reply:it wont be that bad, you just need to get use to it. In Mexico, kids are to wear uniform since they are in primary school, even the are demanded to use a certain color of shoes.
See, the way kids dress nowadays it has made so many school officials to go to drastic measures, and take control on the way some kids are dressing. I have seen girls wear miniskirts so small that they are almost showing their underwear come on thats is just asking for trouble. If I was a principal to a school, I would also do the same by having a dress code and uniform.
I know teenagers need some sort of individuality but see, not all kids can have the same brand of clothes. I think everyone should be put at the same label by wearing the same kind of clothing, color etc.
Reply:back in the 70's i went to a private christian school also, i had a sheet of paper taped on the inside of my closet to remind me of chapel days and what i was allowed to wear and not to, we did not have uniforms but i wish we did , my family did not have the extra money for nice cloths and i wore mostly hand me downs and most were well worn items. i think the school is doing you a favor, but iam sure if the student body would approach the school board maybe one Monday a month a uniform free day (with some rules, leight of skirts not too short ect be fair no punk stuff ) or if a person "earned points" to go uniform free day. talk to your student president and see what they say with this idea.
I would like to find some way to protest this. I think a petition would be one possible ideas, but I need others. Can anyone give me some advice on what to do?
I am sure some of you disagree with me and believe what my school is doing is a good idea. I respect that, but I don't need a lecture. Try to see this from my point of view.
My school has uniforms AND a dress code. How can I protest the new, strict rules?
go to school naked. or put leaves over your privates so you look like eve, how can a christian school kick you out then? lol
Reply:Definetly get other students and parents involved. They want to make it so kids arent trying to compete about what they are wearing but that gives you no way to express yourself.
If you started by saying you want to choose your own shoes, socks and given a choice of a few pants, shorts, skirts in a couple different colors, it would be easier than protesting the uniform overall.
Be decisive and have a plan if you intend on leading this rally.
Reply:See if other students share your opinion, and than start a petition. Try to get some teachers and parents involved too.
Reply:it wont be that bad, you just need to get use to it. In Mexico, kids are to wear uniform since they are in primary school, even the are demanded to use a certain color of shoes.
See, the way kids dress nowadays it has made so many school officials to go to drastic measures, and take control on the way some kids are dressing. I have seen girls wear miniskirts so small that they are almost showing their underwear come on thats is just asking for trouble. If I was a principal to a school, I would also do the same by having a dress code and uniform.
I know teenagers need some sort of individuality but see, not all kids can have the same brand of clothes. I think everyone should be put at the same label by wearing the same kind of clothing, color etc.
Reply:back in the 70's i went to a private christian school also, i had a sheet of paper taped on the inside of my closet to remind me of chapel days and what i was allowed to wear and not to, we did not have uniforms but i wish we did , my family did not have the extra money for nice cloths and i wore mostly hand me downs and most were well worn items. i think the school is doing you a favor, but iam sure if the student body would approach the school board maybe one Monday a month a uniform free day (with some rules, leight of skirts not too short ect be fair no punk stuff ) or if a person "earned points" to go uniform free day. talk to your student president and see what they say with this idea.
Am i asking for to much? am i being pushy?
i have never seen my dad get my mom a present without her asking for something,my borther always asks me to get his girlfriends prestents, %26amp;now my boyfriend who is following the same path. im trying to tell him that its not the gift itself that matters to me at all, but the thought that goes into it. i just want something thoughtfull, i dont care if he found it on the street, but he keeps telling me he doesnt know what to give me. ive given him so many hints and even told him a few things i thought would be thoughtful and he is still having trouble. i told him i can buy shoes and clothes myself, and i wanted him to give me something special that has meaning behind it. weve been together for 2 and a half years,why is it so hard for him to think of something special?he wrote me a poem a few monhts ago for my birthday and never gave it to me,its in his computer, so i told him for the holidays to print it out and frame it for me, and he said thats not agift because i already told him. help
Am i asking for to much? am i being pushy?
Men just have no concept of what to give as a gift, possibly because we buy what we want when the time is right. My wife always had to tell me what she would like and then I would forget before I had bought it so I needed to ask again. I know that poem would make a great gift, but to a man, even framed it is not a gift. (it's a man thing, unexplainable) If you can train him to do romantic things then you are well ahead of the race.
Reply:Tell him aspects of your life that will help him to chose a gift that he thinks would be meaningful
Reply:I told my ex-wife that my gift to her is me. Now you know why she's my ex. Men are down right bad at finding gifts, that's why we get married and leave it up to our wives to do it. But, to make a long story short, all my wife wanted was flowers, and stupid me never got the hint till it was to late. Maybe you should tell him it's flowers and even tell him your best color,because us men are really dumb at picking gifts.
Reply:He should give you want you want most if you don't already have it.
Reply:Your not asking too much or being too pushy. I've been there too. My fiance is the same way. He is thought ful but doesnt know what to get me unless I tell him. Its not that hard to but for us girls. He could get "jewlery" or lotion or girl stuff. Thats at least something that we would enjoy.
You would think since youve been together for over 2 yrs that he would know you and know what you like. I agree w/ you that its the thought behind the gift. My fiance had a bday card for me on his computer. HE moved and lost the cd the card was on. I told him to get paper and a pen and make me a card instead of buying a card. But he wanted to give me that one. I never got a card and he still hasn't found the cd.
I know what your going through. Just keep telling him how you feel and maybe someday he will understand. Maybe you have to point things out all the time so he will get the hints. Good luck!!
car audio
Am i asking for to much? am i being pushy?
Men just have no concept of what to give as a gift, possibly because we buy what we want when the time is right. My wife always had to tell me what she would like and then I would forget before I had bought it so I needed to ask again. I know that poem would make a great gift, but to a man, even framed it is not a gift. (it's a man thing, unexplainable) If you can train him to do romantic things then you are well ahead of the race.
Reply:Tell him aspects of your life that will help him to chose a gift that he thinks would be meaningful
Reply:I told my ex-wife that my gift to her is me. Now you know why she's my ex. Men are down right bad at finding gifts, that's why we get married and leave it up to our wives to do it. But, to make a long story short, all my wife wanted was flowers, and stupid me never got the hint till it was to late. Maybe you should tell him it's flowers and even tell him your best color,because us men are really dumb at picking gifts.
Reply:He should give you want you want most if you don't already have it.
Reply:Your not asking too much or being too pushy. I've been there too. My fiance is the same way. He is thought ful but doesnt know what to get me unless I tell him. Its not that hard to but for us girls. He could get "jewlery" or lotion or girl stuff. Thats at least something that we would enjoy.
You would think since youve been together for over 2 yrs that he would know you and know what you like. I agree w/ you that its the thought behind the gift. My fiance had a bday card for me on his computer. HE moved and lost the cd the card was on. I told him to get paper and a pen and make me a card instead of buying a card. But he wanted to give me that one. I never got a card and he still hasn't found the cd.
I know what your going through. Just keep telling him how you feel and maybe someday he will understand. Maybe you have to point things out all the time so he will get the hints. Good luck!!
car audio
How much should i ask for these on Ebay?
I'm going to sell a JamesOn Curry practice worn jersey and Thabo Sefolosha Custom made shoes, they are not signed but are size 15 Adidas Pump Special Edition for the Pros.
How much should i ask for these on Ebay?
Just start them off at a penny and see how high the bidding goes
Reply:i dont know, but you should sell em quick. these guys might not be around forever
Reply:189.99 dollars man! that's some good stuff you have
Reply:start the bidding at 9.99 with $25.00 shipping ( it covers your seller fee's,shipping etc..) Starting the bid at 9.99 keeps your selling fee at .40 cents, and if people want it, they will bid like crazy.
mobility scooter
How much should i ask for these on Ebay?
Just start them off at a penny and see how high the bidding goes
Reply:i dont know, but you should sell em quick. these guys might not be around forever
Reply:189.99 dollars man! that's some good stuff you have
Reply:start the bidding at 9.99 with $25.00 shipping ( it covers your seller fee's,shipping etc..) Starting the bid at 9.99 keeps your selling fee at .40 cents, and if people want it, they will bid like crazy.
mobility scooter
What should I get for someone who's turning 21?
So my sister is turning 21 soon. 21 is supposed to be really special, right? I don't really know what to get her. Whatever I thought of (bags, shoes, things I make myself, etc.) seems too... normal. As in not special enough for someone who's turning 21. Any suggestions?
What should I get for someone who's turning 21?
Buy her a bottle and some shot glasses. She is finally legal to drink. Just don't let her drive.
Reply:A nicely planned vacation and lots of money in her purse to splurge.
Reply:trip to Las Vegas. time for a vacation with you're not so little ?(anymore) sister
Reply:get her a SIX PACK OF BEER and say u earned it pal
Reply:Alcohol is the knee-jerk response, but other things one can enjoy upon turning 21...lottery tickets, visits to a gentleman's club (might be a fun outing, even though she probably doesn't particularly like watching strippers), a casino, etc. Perhaps some sort of membership: a gym, the auto club, something that says she's all grown up.
Reply:maybe you don't need to get her something, maybe what you need is to let her feel more of your love, try taking her out, take a tour or something. Goodluck........
Reply:If you're over 21, take her out to a nice restaurant or bar that you think she might like and buy her her first drink.
Reply:A bottle of her favorite liquor. I myself am a Jack Daniels girl, but if you can find whatever suits her, all the better! And I agree with another poster...definitely get shotglasses. You gotta have those!
Reply:A bottle of wine.
What should I get for someone who's turning 21?
Buy her a bottle and some shot glasses. She is finally legal to drink. Just don't let her drive.
Reply:A nicely planned vacation and lots of money in her purse to splurge.
Reply:trip to Las Vegas. time for a vacation with you're not so little ?(anymore) sister
Reply:get her a SIX PACK OF BEER and say u earned it pal
Reply:Alcohol is the knee-jerk response, but other things one can enjoy upon turning 21...lottery tickets, visits to a gentleman's club (might be a fun outing, even though she probably doesn't particularly like watching strippers), a casino, etc. Perhaps some sort of membership: a gym, the auto club, something that says she's all grown up.
Reply:maybe you don't need to get her something, maybe what you need is to let her feel more of your love, try taking her out, take a tour or something. Goodluck........
Reply:If you're over 21, take her out to a nice restaurant or bar that you think she might like and buy her her first drink.
Reply:A bottle of her favorite liquor. I myself am a Jack Daniels girl, but if you can find whatever suits her, all the better! And I agree with another poster...definitely get shotglasses. You gotta have those!
Reply:A bottle of wine.
For all who want to know about Hinduism. I would like your opinion. Thanks?
This is an introduction to Hinduism for mainly non Hindus. It is a well produced video. I think it should be shared by all law enforcement agencies world wide as an introduction to Hinduism.
Superb Video on Hinduism Produced by Chicago Police Department
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, April 4, 2008: Several years ago Hinduism Today learned of a training video produced by the Chicago Police Department to educate its officers about each major religion in the Chicago area, including Hinduism. Today, we stumbled across a link to the video (URL above) and it is an excellent presentation.
Video at :
Running time 9m 29s
The following Transcript is available at :
(Kevin Dean) It is the oldest religion in the world, and predates Christiantity by 4,000 years.
(Dean) Still, the basic tenets of this faith have withstood the test of time and human evolution.
(Dean) It is Hinduism, a faith rooted in concepts of good will, tolerance, and harmony.
(Dean) Hello, I'm Chaplin Dean with the Chicago Police Department.
(Dean) This is the fifth in a series of videos to expand your knowledge and understanding
of the many diverse communities within our city.
(Dean) Having even a basic knowledge of a person's customs and culture enables
police officers to conduct their duties in a more efficient and respectful manner.
(Dean) Today, we explore Hinduism.
(Dean) [Swame vivakananda] introduced Hinduism to Chicago in 1883, during
the parliament of religions.
(Dean) Since then, more than 80,000 people of the Hindu faith have settled
in the Chicago area.
(Dr. Shyam L. Bhatia) Most of them have migrated from India since the middle '60s; they came
as engineers, professors, doctors; they got education here.
(Dean) But not all Hindus are Indian.
(Swami Varananda) No, not necessarily: I am American, for example.
(Varananda) It's basically what you believe in that determines it.
(Dean) And what do Hindus believe?
(Dr. Sudha Rao) We all believe in one supreme lord; we believe in a cabinetry, if you will, of
multiple gods and goddesses who are in charge of different cabinets, of kearning, of wealth, and this and, that.
(Rao) But ultimately, every Hindu believes there is only one God, one creator.
(Rao) And some choose to consider this creator a feminine gender; some consider
this a masculine gender.
(Varananda) Hindus believe in reincarnation; they believe that after this life, you go
to some celestial realm, heaven or maybe a hell, but that's a temporary thing.
(Varananda) Then you come back; you're born again, take on another body.
(Dean) And Hindus respect all religions as a path to God.
(Dean) Hindu gods are honored in temples, whether those be the elaborate
community temples, or simple temples within the home.
(Dean) Hindus don't go to temple on a specific day of the week, Sunday, for example;
temples are open every day, and get quite crowded on Hindu holy days.
(Varananda) But a Hindu doesn't go to temple to hear a sermon or to get a talk;
he goes primarily to have [darshan], which means "to see God," bow down,
pay your respects, offer something, just kind of say hello to God.
(Dean) Hindu priests are typically the only people allowed to touch statues
of the deities within the temple.
(Dean) Photographing deities is not allowed.
(Dean) It is not necessary for males to remove hats or for females to cover their heads
inside a temple.
(Dean) However, all visitors and worshippers are asked to remove their shoes.
(Dr. K.V. Reddy) The significance of taking off the shoes is keeping the place clean.
(Reddy) This is practiced in all of the east: India, China, Japan.
(Dean) Cleanliness of mind and body is important in Hinduism.
(Dean) The left hand was traditionally used for hygiene, and many Hindus still use
the right hand for handling food or sacred objects.
(Dean) It may be considered rude to offer a Hindu something with your left hand.
(Dean) Hindus who have recently immigrated to Chicago, or who are here to visit family,
may appear uncomfortable or fearful when approached by a police officer.
(Dean) One reason is that they are not used to seeing people with guns.
(Reddy) In India, at the constables level, they do not wear weapons.
(Reddy) The police system in India is similar to in England.
(Dr. R.S. Rajan) That's also attributable to the fact that the incidents
of gun ownership in India is rather low.
(Rajan) Guns are very costly; guns are not affordable; you cannot go out and buy
a Saturday-night special anywhere.
(Dean) Many Hindus are accustomed to the Western habit of handshaking.
(Dean) Others, however, prefer to press their palms together, and give a simple bow.
(Reddy) In the East, you always greet in a non-contact way, so that in Hinduism,
the method is "Namaste," then bow, and already you brought the good will of the person.
(Rao) What basically "Namaste" means is, "I worship the divine within you."
(Dean) Hindu women often wear saris.
(Dean) These are dresses made of one long piece of cloth wrapped around the body.
(Dean) Scarves may also be worn as a measure of modesty.
(Dean) Women should not be asked to publicly remove a scarf or unwrap any portion
of a sari.
(Dean) Hindu women may also strongly oppose the removal of a marriage necklace.
(Rajan) A woman won't remove it because it symbolizes marriage; it symbolizes the fact
that she is into the sacred state of matrimony.
(Rao) Clearly, if you meet someone from my group who will be wearing this,
this is a very private and sacred thing to ask, and in fact, the olden tradition taught
that this should not even be seen by others.
(Dean) As with other Eastern religions, it is preferred that male police officers avoid
any physical contact with Hindu women.
(Reddy) In Hinduism, very much, the best an officer can do is don't touch the ladies.
(Reddy) That's one of the things -- you never see, in the Hindu, in public, a man
touching a lady, even his wife.
(Dean) The same applies to female officers having contact with Hindu males.
(Dean) This is especially true for Swamis, who are Hindu monks recognized by
their orange-colored robes.
(Dean) Interviews should be conducted in view of others.
(Swami Chidananda) It ought to be free from all the scandals; the best thing,
if a lady comes, keep the door of the room open, everything open, so that nothing
is hiding; nothing's hiding there.
(Chidananda) So that's (inaudible).
(Dean) Many Hindu women, and some men also, wear forehead markings called
[bindis] or [telaks].
(Rao) There is a definite religious, or a sacred component to it.
(Rao) Much of the time, we come to the temples, we take our red powder here,
we take and apply; the men call it [telak] and women call it [bindi].
(Rao) So this is applied on the forehead, and it represents almost your third eye,
through which you can see the world better.
(Dean) Within a Hindu home, officers may be asked to remove their shoes.
(Dean) Most Hindus are vegetarians, and do not smoke cigarettes.
(Dean) It would be disrespectful to smoke or bring meat products into a Hindu home.
(Dean) Hindu homes have rooms or special areas used for worship.
(Dean) In a nonemergency, always ask permission before entering that area,
and handling any objects.
(Rajan) Every family has, on some degree or some scale, a place set apart for worship.
And devotion to the Lord calls for a higher standard of cleanliness than just a normal thing.
(Rajan) We take a bath, we change our clothes, we (inaudible), and then we sit down before the Lord and pray.
(Bhatia) Because it's a question of purity; we just feel that everything should be
pure and clean.
(Dean) Something else officers may encounter in a Hindu home is the swastika symbol.
(Dean) Centuries before Adolf Hitler adopted the swastika as the symbol
of the Nazi Party, Hindus used the swastika as a religious symbol.
(Dean) In fact, "swastika" is a Sanskrit word that translates to "let goodness prevail."
(Dean) It is still found on many Hindu articles of faith.
(Bhatia) It symbolizes power; it symbolizes [sharti], it symbolizes the goodness
of the divine being.
(Dean) As with all religions, Hinduism has many different subsets, hundreds of them
around the world.
(Dean) Still, there are some basic cultural courtesies officers can observe.
(Dean) In nonemergencies, remove your shoes when entering a Hindu temple
or home.
(Dean) When practical, ask permission before entering a sacred area within a home.
(Dean) Statues of deities within a temple or home should not be touched unless
absolutely necessary.
(Dean) Handshakes may be refused.
(Dean) A traditional hello involves a slight bow, and the greeting "Namaste."
(Dean) It is preferable to hand objects to Hindus using the right hand.
(Dean) Most Hindus are vegetarians.
(Dean) Marriage necklaces are considered sacred, and should not be touched
or removed by police.
(Dean) Hindu men and women may be more comfortable dealing with officers
of their own sex.
(Dean) All of the people we encounter on a daily basis expect to be treated with dignity
and respect.
(Dean) Those who practice Hinduism are no exception.
(Dean) It is our hope that this video will serve to enlighten and foster a new awareness
and understanding.
(Dean) Thanks for watching, and as always, stay safe.
For all who want to know about Hinduism. I would like your opinion. Thanks?
All paths lead to he same destination.
Religion should be LOVE, shared %26amp; practised by the human race.
Reply:its very lengthy to read.. but I will see the video..
and yea I beleive in Hinduism
Reply:You ever heard of TLDR?
accessories belts
Superb Video on Hinduism Produced by Chicago Police Department
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, April 4, 2008: Several years ago Hinduism Today learned of a training video produced by the Chicago Police Department to educate its officers about each major religion in the Chicago area, including Hinduism. Today, we stumbled across a link to the video (URL above) and it is an excellent presentation.
Video at :
Running time 9m 29s
The following Transcript is available at :
(Kevin Dean) It is the oldest religion in the world, and predates Christiantity by 4,000 years.
(Dean) Still, the basic tenets of this faith have withstood the test of time and human evolution.
(Dean) It is Hinduism, a faith rooted in concepts of good will, tolerance, and harmony.
(Dean) Hello, I'm Chaplin Dean with the Chicago Police Department.
(Dean) This is the fifth in a series of videos to expand your knowledge and understanding
of the many diverse communities within our city.
(Dean) Having even a basic knowledge of a person's customs and culture enables
police officers to conduct their duties in a more efficient and respectful manner.
(Dean) Today, we explore Hinduism.
(Dean) [Swame vivakananda] introduced Hinduism to Chicago in 1883, during
the parliament of religions.
(Dean) Since then, more than 80,000 people of the Hindu faith have settled
in the Chicago area.
(Dr. Shyam L. Bhatia) Most of them have migrated from India since the middle '60s; they came
as engineers, professors, doctors; they got education here.
(Dean) But not all Hindus are Indian.
(Swami Varananda) No, not necessarily: I am American, for example.
(Varananda) It's basically what you believe in that determines it.
(Dean) And what do Hindus believe?
(Dr. Sudha Rao) We all believe in one supreme lord; we believe in a cabinetry, if you will, of
multiple gods and goddesses who are in charge of different cabinets, of kearning, of wealth, and this and, that.
(Rao) But ultimately, every Hindu believes there is only one God, one creator.
(Rao) And some choose to consider this creator a feminine gender; some consider
this a masculine gender.
(Varananda) Hindus believe in reincarnation; they believe that after this life, you go
to some celestial realm, heaven or maybe a hell, but that's a temporary thing.
(Varananda) Then you come back; you're born again, take on another body.
(Dean) And Hindus respect all religions as a path to God.
(Dean) Hindu gods are honored in temples, whether those be the elaborate
community temples, or simple temples within the home.
(Dean) Hindus don't go to temple on a specific day of the week, Sunday, for example;
temples are open every day, and get quite crowded on Hindu holy days.
(Varananda) But a Hindu doesn't go to temple to hear a sermon or to get a talk;
he goes primarily to have [darshan], which means "to see God," bow down,
pay your respects, offer something, just kind of say hello to God.
(Dean) Hindu priests are typically the only people allowed to touch statues
of the deities within the temple.
(Dean) Photographing deities is not allowed.
(Dean) It is not necessary for males to remove hats or for females to cover their heads
inside a temple.
(Dean) However, all visitors and worshippers are asked to remove their shoes.
(Dr. K.V. Reddy) The significance of taking off the shoes is keeping the place clean.
(Reddy) This is practiced in all of the east: India, China, Japan.
(Dean) Cleanliness of mind and body is important in Hinduism.
(Dean) The left hand was traditionally used for hygiene, and many Hindus still use
the right hand for handling food or sacred objects.
(Dean) It may be considered rude to offer a Hindu something with your left hand.
(Dean) Hindus who have recently immigrated to Chicago, or who are here to visit family,
may appear uncomfortable or fearful when approached by a police officer.
(Dean) One reason is that they are not used to seeing people with guns.
(Reddy) In India, at the constables level, they do not wear weapons.
(Reddy) The police system in India is similar to in England.
(Dr. R.S. Rajan) That's also attributable to the fact that the incidents
of gun ownership in India is rather low.
(Rajan) Guns are very costly; guns are not affordable; you cannot go out and buy
a Saturday-night special anywhere.
(Dean) Many Hindus are accustomed to the Western habit of handshaking.
(Dean) Others, however, prefer to press their palms together, and give a simple bow.
(Reddy) In the East, you always greet in a non-contact way, so that in Hinduism,
the method is "Namaste," then bow, and already you brought the good will of the person.
(Rao) What basically "Namaste" means is, "I worship the divine within you."
(Dean) Hindu women often wear saris.
(Dean) These are dresses made of one long piece of cloth wrapped around the body.
(Dean) Scarves may also be worn as a measure of modesty.
(Dean) Women should not be asked to publicly remove a scarf or unwrap any portion
of a sari.
(Dean) Hindu women may also strongly oppose the removal of a marriage necklace.
(Rajan) A woman won't remove it because it symbolizes marriage; it symbolizes the fact
that she is into the sacred state of matrimony.
(Rao) Clearly, if you meet someone from my group who will be wearing this,
this is a very private and sacred thing to ask, and in fact, the olden tradition taught
that this should not even be seen by others.
(Dean) As with other Eastern religions, it is preferred that male police officers avoid
any physical contact with Hindu women.
(Reddy) In Hinduism, very much, the best an officer can do is don't touch the ladies.
(Reddy) That's one of the things -- you never see, in the Hindu, in public, a man
touching a lady, even his wife.
(Dean) The same applies to female officers having contact with Hindu males.
(Dean) This is especially true for Swamis, who are Hindu monks recognized by
their orange-colored robes.
(Dean) Interviews should be conducted in view of others.
(Swami Chidananda) It ought to be free from all the scandals; the best thing,
if a lady comes, keep the door of the room open, everything open, so that nothing
is hiding; nothing's hiding there.
(Chidananda) So that's (inaudible).
(Dean) Many Hindu women, and some men also, wear forehead markings called
[bindis] or [telaks].
(Rao) There is a definite religious, or a sacred component to it.
(Rao) Much of the time, we come to the temples, we take our red powder here,
we take and apply; the men call it [telak] and women call it [bindi].
(Rao) So this is applied on the forehead, and it represents almost your third eye,
through which you can see the world better.
(Dean) Within a Hindu home, officers may be asked to remove their shoes.
(Dean) Most Hindus are vegetarians, and do not smoke cigarettes.
(Dean) It would be disrespectful to smoke or bring meat products into a Hindu home.
(Dean) Hindu homes have rooms or special areas used for worship.
(Dean) In a nonemergency, always ask permission before entering that area,
and handling any objects.
(Rajan) Every family has, on some degree or some scale, a place set apart for worship.
And devotion to the Lord calls for a higher standard of cleanliness than just a normal thing.
(Rajan) We take a bath, we change our clothes, we (inaudible), and then we sit down before the Lord and pray.
(Bhatia) Because it's a question of purity; we just feel that everything should be
pure and clean.
(Dean) Something else officers may encounter in a Hindu home is the swastika symbol.
(Dean) Centuries before Adolf Hitler adopted the swastika as the symbol
of the Nazi Party, Hindus used the swastika as a religious symbol.
(Dean) In fact, "swastika" is a Sanskrit word that translates to "let goodness prevail."
(Dean) It is still found on many Hindu articles of faith.
(Bhatia) It symbolizes power; it symbolizes [sharti], it symbolizes the goodness
of the divine being.
(Dean) As with all religions, Hinduism has many different subsets, hundreds of them
around the world.
(Dean) Still, there are some basic cultural courtesies officers can observe.
(Dean) In nonemergencies, remove your shoes when entering a Hindu temple
or home.
(Dean) When practical, ask permission before entering a sacred area within a home.
(Dean) Statues of deities within a temple or home should not be touched unless
absolutely necessary.
(Dean) Handshakes may be refused.
(Dean) A traditional hello involves a slight bow, and the greeting "Namaste."
(Dean) It is preferable to hand objects to Hindus using the right hand.
(Dean) Most Hindus are vegetarians.
(Dean) Marriage necklaces are considered sacred, and should not be touched
or removed by police.
(Dean) Hindu men and women may be more comfortable dealing with officers
of their own sex.
(Dean) All of the people we encounter on a daily basis expect to be treated with dignity
and respect.
(Dean) Those who practice Hinduism are no exception.
(Dean) It is our hope that this video will serve to enlighten and foster a new awareness
and understanding.
(Dean) Thanks for watching, and as always, stay safe.
For all who want to know about Hinduism. I would like your opinion. Thanks?
All paths lead to he same destination.
Religion should be LOVE, shared %26amp; practised by the human race.
Reply:its very lengthy to read.. but I will see the video..
and yea I beleive in Hinduism
Reply:You ever heard of TLDR?
accessories belts
Buy few items VS Buy one item, for same price?
(can be of similar type, eg. tops/bags/shoes, etc..)
and of course the one item is probably more special than the many items, eg. a bag that you love VS 2 bags that are quite nice.
Buy few items VS Buy one item, for same price?
it really depends on da items fer me.
like wut i like more or if its worth it.
accessories belts
and of course the one item is probably more special than the many items, eg. a bag that you love VS 2 bags that are quite nice.
Buy few items VS Buy one item, for same price?
it really depends on da items fer me.
like wut i like more or if its worth it.
accessories belts
Why wait until Christmas to buy your love once a gift?
you could buy a gift anytime, why wait until 11 month to buy a gift? just to put it up under a tree ,if you want him or her to have a gift buy it anytime of the year and when christmas come around give them money and let them but what they want I understand buying kids toys and clothe and shoes please tell why ao how come this day is so special that you have to wait this long to buy a gift I just don't understand
Why wait until Christmas to buy your love once a gift?
no one said you had to. it's just a traditional thing. I understand what you mean I feel the same way sometimes but it feels even more special. Christmas is about giving you're time to people and to show how much you care for them.
Reply:I take you're not familiar with traditions....and you don't have to wait to buy something for someone! Where did you come from??
Reply:you're right, but the idea of gift giving and christmas is so ingrained that no one really wants to NOT give up receiving a gift during that time when others around them are. it's sad, but since x-mas became associated with gift giving, ppl just expect to receive gifts when it happens.
interest rate
Why wait until Christmas to buy your love once a gift?
no one said you had to. it's just a traditional thing. I understand what you mean I feel the same way sometimes but it feels even more special. Christmas is about giving you're time to people and to show how much you care for them.
Reply:I take you're not familiar with traditions....and you don't have to wait to buy something for someone! Where did you come from??
Reply:you're right, but the idea of gift giving and christmas is so ingrained that no one really wants to NOT give up receiving a gift during that time when others around them are. it's sad, but since x-mas became associated with gift giving, ppl just expect to receive gifts when it happens.
interest rate
Style advice?
I bought this gorgeous pair of ivory pointy-toe pumps, mid-heel, very simple, but elegant. And now I don't know what to wear them with. I wanted to put them on for a special event, but most style articles I've read suggest pairing pointy-toe shoes with flowing trousers. I don't want to wear pants to that event. Is there any type or style of dress I can wear with these shoes? I thank all the stylists and fashionistas, who may answer this question, in advance :)
Style advice?
you can buy a nice pastel pink dresses to wear with it. they probably sell it at mandee ,jc penny, sears ,macys, lord%26amp; taylors ,kohls ,wetseal also a nice pastel green would work too. you can even pair it with jewerly if you like
Reply:I think you can wear them with anything. Go for it! I think the magazines were simply suggesting that pointy shoes look good with those type of pants, but they definitely aren't limiting you to just those. The shoes sound adorable, you can wear them with a flowy dress perhaps, or a skirt and a nice blouse. Or with a pair of tight skinny jeans to mix it up. I think they'd look good with anything at all, have fun with them!
Reply:i think sum dark blue/black skinny jeans.
a pretty pink 3 layered shirt. in tha colors light pink/dark pink/white.
%26amp; a cute necklase %26amp; sum cute hoops.
%26amp; ur hair shud be wavy with ur bangs out.
P E R F E C T %26lt;3
Reply:skinny jeans look fabulous with pointy heels!
Reply:I think the pointy toe shoes look a little weird with dresses.
Maybe just wear a stylish black pair of slacks with a nice, dressy shirt?
Reply:I personally think the perfect color to wear with white pumps is yellow. A pretty yellow knee length dress would look very pretty with those. I don't know how you feel about yellow but here is a picture of what I mean. I know they are not the same pointy toed shoes but i wanted to show you the color combination and how gorgeous and classy it looks.
skin disease
Style advice?
you can buy a nice pastel pink dresses to wear with it. they probably sell it at mandee ,jc penny, sears ,macys, lord%26amp; taylors ,kohls ,wetseal also a nice pastel green would work too. you can even pair it with jewerly if you like
Reply:I think you can wear them with anything. Go for it! I think the magazines were simply suggesting that pointy shoes look good with those type of pants, but they definitely aren't limiting you to just those. The shoes sound adorable, you can wear them with a flowy dress perhaps, or a skirt and a nice blouse. Or with a pair of tight skinny jeans to mix it up. I think they'd look good with anything at all, have fun with them!
Reply:i think sum dark blue/black skinny jeans.
a pretty pink 3 layered shirt. in tha colors light pink/dark pink/white.
%26amp; a cute necklase %26amp; sum cute hoops.
%26amp; ur hair shud be wavy with ur bangs out.
P E R F E C T %26lt;3
Reply:skinny jeans look fabulous with pointy heels!
Reply:I think the pointy toe shoes look a little weird with dresses.
Maybe just wear a stylish black pair of slacks with a nice, dressy shirt?
Reply:I personally think the perfect color to wear with white pumps is yellow. A pretty yellow knee length dress would look very pretty with those. I don't know how you feel about yellow but here is a picture of what I mean. I know they are not the same pointy toed shoes but i wanted to show you the color combination and how gorgeous and classy it looks.
skin disease
Are all men the same?
i have never seen my dad get my mom a present without her asking for something,my borther always asks me to get his girlfriends prestents, %26amp;now my boyfriend who is following the same path. im trying to tell him that its not the gift itself that matters to me at all, but the thought that goes into it. i just want something thoughtfull, i dont care if he found it on the street, but he keeps telling me he doesnt know what to give me. ive given him so many hints and even told him a few things i thought would be thoughtful and he is still having trouble. i told him i can buy shoes and clothes myself, and i wanted him to give me something special that has meaning behind it. weve been together for 2 and a half years,why is it so hard for him to think of something special?he wrote me a poem a few monhts ago for my birthday and never gave it to me,its in his computer, so i told him for the holidays to print it out and frame it for me, and he said thats not agift because i already told him. help
Are all men the same?
he is afraid of rejection. thank him for being there for you. men have trouble giving gifts but they will always do something for you if they don't get distracted first. love him for who he is and not for what you want him to be.
Reply:Not all men are the same but close lol
this year write a wishlist out and when you have got something on it cross it off send your guy a copy of it every couple of months one in email the other in snail mail each time you see something else you would like add it to this
so when it comes to your birthday etc he already as a heads up on what you want also he as some ideas on what he could get you when he feels he just wants you to know how much he loves you with out it being a special occasion
Reply:Once in a while you may find a man that has some romance in him. But you need to remember if hes romantic.. hes prolly lacking somewhere else. There is no perfect man. Just like there is no perfect woman. Some men and or woman are better at some things than at others. What you need to do is decided what factors or most important and let the rest go. Is it more important that he loves you unconditionally or that he romances you out of your mind... you need to decide.
Reply:some of them have better hair
Reply:There are many ways to express love and affection. And giving gifts is only one of the ways.
I think you should let your boyfriend express his love for you in his own way.
If it's not the gift that matters but the thought behind it. Then try to understand that the thought behind the gift is 'love'. And love doesn't have to be tied to giving gifts. There are many better ways to express love than buying and giving a gift.
A simple hug would express love a lot better than hours of searching for some expensive gift that looks nice but is of no practical use to anyone.
Reply:Are all women the same?
Reply:78% of men are all the same.
dog skin problem
Are all men the same?
he is afraid of rejection. thank him for being there for you. men have trouble giving gifts but they will always do something for you if they don't get distracted first. love him for who he is and not for what you want him to be.
Reply:Not all men are the same but close lol
this year write a wishlist out and when you have got something on it cross it off send your guy a copy of it every couple of months one in email the other in snail mail each time you see something else you would like add it to this
so when it comes to your birthday etc he already as a heads up on what you want also he as some ideas on what he could get you when he feels he just wants you to know how much he loves you with out it being a special occasion
Reply:Once in a while you may find a man that has some romance in him. But you need to remember if hes romantic.. hes prolly lacking somewhere else. There is no perfect man. Just like there is no perfect woman. Some men and or woman are better at some things than at others. What you need to do is decided what factors or most important and let the rest go. Is it more important that he loves you unconditionally or that he romances you out of your mind... you need to decide.
Reply:some of them have better hair
Reply:There are many ways to express love and affection. And giving gifts is only one of the ways.
I think you should let your boyfriend express his love for you in his own way.
If it's not the gift that matters but the thought behind it. Then try to understand that the thought behind the gift is 'love'. And love doesn't have to be tied to giving gifts. There are many better ways to express love than buying and giving a gift.
A simple hug would express love a lot better than hours of searching for some expensive gift that looks nice but is of no practical use to anyone.
Reply:Are all women the same?
Reply:78% of men are all the same.
dog skin problem
My boyfriend's bday is coming. He will be 23. I NEED HELP WITH A GREAT GIFT!!?
We've been together for a year. He buys me great gifts all the time, e.g. diamond earrings, very expensive shoes, designer sunglasses, etc. I want to get him something extra special.
My boyfriend's bday is coming. He will be 23. I NEED HELP WITH A GREAT GIFT!!?
Get him a nice watch. Like and ESQ or Movado.
Make plans taking him to a nice restaurant like Cheesecake Factory, or Dave and Busters. Then have a little sexy lingerie for when you get home. They love that!
Reply:cook him a nice dinner ( or take him to fav place to eat)
a vido game he has been wanting or dvd
and top it off with a good B J
It will be his best b-day ever trust me that what i got this year
Reply:you and another girl in bed when he comes home from work
Reply:get a bow, put it on you, have some whipped cream and icecubes ready
Reply:i think your self, best gift.
Reply:make it a combination of things. A funny card is definately needed, a #1 boyfriend item would be nice. an outfit from lacoste or american eagle, sean john, or south pole would be nice. oh ye, and a thong 4 u!(wink ;-) wink)
hope his birthday is extra special! :-)
Reply:give him something special.... like a scrapbook... you would need time making the scrapbook but im sure you will enjou doing it. put all your pictures together, make a letter or poem expressing your love to him.
Reply:Get him something he is into. For example my boyfriend is 23 almost 24 and he is a fan of some country singer Chris Ludeo (that's not spelled right the last name) and he died a couple years ago.. And i bought him the limited edition Cd's and he loved. Try getting something he likes...
Hotel reviews
My boyfriend's bday is coming. He will be 23. I NEED HELP WITH A GREAT GIFT!!?
Get him a nice watch. Like and ESQ or Movado.
Make plans taking him to a nice restaurant like Cheesecake Factory, or Dave and Busters. Then have a little sexy lingerie for when you get home. They love that!
Reply:cook him a nice dinner ( or take him to fav place to eat)
a vido game he has been wanting or dvd
and top it off with a good B J
It will be his best b-day ever trust me that what i got this year
Reply:you and another girl in bed when he comes home from work
Reply:get a bow, put it on you, have some whipped cream and icecubes ready
Reply:i think your self, best gift.
Reply:make it a combination of things. A funny card is definately needed, a #1 boyfriend item would be nice. an outfit from lacoste or american eagle, sean john, or south pole would be nice. oh ye, and a thong 4 u!(wink ;-) wink)
hope his birthday is extra special! :-)
Reply:give him something special.... like a scrapbook... you would need time making the scrapbook but im sure you will enjou doing it. put all your pictures together, make a letter or poem expressing your love to him.
Reply:Get him something he is into. For example my boyfriend is 23 almost 24 and he is a fan of some country singer Chris Ludeo (that's not spelled right the last name) and he died a couple years ago.. And i bought him the limited edition Cd's and he loved. Try getting something he likes...
Hotel reviews
Bill the bus driver?
bill got a job driving a school bus. It was decorated with sesame street characters. his first pick up was a pair of twins called jill and jenny paddy who were both fairly overweight. the next stop was a guy called ross who sat directly behind the driver saying, "I'm special, I'm special, I'm special......" The last pick up was a kid called Lester Reece, who took his shoes off and started picking the bunions off his feet all the way to school. after he dropped them off, he went home and his wife asked how his first day on the job went.
He replied, "i spent my morning driving two fat paddys, special Ross, Lester Reece picking bunions on a sesame street bus!"
Bill the bus driver?
very funny
thanks for sharing.
Reply:lol i read a different version of this yesterday, but still kinda of cute.
Reply:Very funny, thanks for the humour!
cat skin problem
He replied, "i spent my morning driving two fat paddys, special Ross, Lester Reece picking bunions on a sesame street bus!"
Bill the bus driver?
very funny
thanks for sharing.
Reply:lol i read a different version of this yesterday, but still kinda of cute.
Reply:Very funny, thanks for the humour!
cat skin problem
Glastonbury Festival 2007 full lineup?
Pyramid Stage
Friday 22nd June 2007
Arctic Monkeys
The Fratellis
Bloc Party
The Magic Numbers
Amy Winehouse
Gogol Bordello
The Earlies
Saturday 23rd June
The Killers
The Kooks
Paul Weller
Paolo Nutini
Lily Allen
Dirty Pretty Things
The Pipettes
Seasick Steve
Liz Green
Sunday 24th June
The Who
Kaiser Chiefs
Manic Street Preachers
Dame Shirley Bassey
James Morrison
Marley Brothers Present The 30th Anniversary Of Exodus
The Waterboys
Corb Lund
National Youth Orchestra
Other Stage
Friday 22nd Jun 2007
Arcade Fire
Rufus Wainwright
The Coral
Super Furry Animals
Bright Eyes
The Automatic
Modest Mouse
The Cribs
Reverend And The Makers
Mr Hudson And The Library
Saturday 23rd June
Iggy And The Stooges
Maximo Park
Biffy Clyro
The Long Blondes
El Presidente
The Switches
Sunday 24th June
The Chemical Brothers
The View
The Go! Team
The Rakes
Get Cape Wear Cape Fly
Coldwar Kids
Sunshine Underground
The Enemy
The Holloways
Kharma 45
John Peel Stage
Friday 22nd June 2007
Hot Chip
Mum Ra
Jack Penate
Hold Steady
The New Pornographers
Tokyo Police Club
Good Shoes
The Annuals
Disco Ensemble
Fear of Music
Look See Proof
Saturday 23rd June
The Twang
Get Cape Wearcape Fly
Patrick Wolf
Bat for Lashes
Pigeon Detectives
Calvin Harris
You Say Party We Say Die
Holy ****
The Heights
The Rushes
The Hours
Grim Northern Social
Blue Bullet
Sunday 24th June
Jamie T
Just Jack
Mark Ronson
Scott Mathews
Young Knives
Rumble Strips
The Horrors
Tiny Dancers
Shoot The Moon
JazzWorld Stage
Friday 22nd June 2007
Damian Marley
Amy Winehouse
Toumani Diabaté %26amp; Symmetric Orchestra
Gus Gus
Nasio Fontaine
Soweto Kinch
Midival Punditz feat. Karsh Kale %26amp; special guests
Guilty Pleasures Featuring The Tor Dogs %26amp; Special Guests
Saturday 23rd June 2007
Rodrigo y Gabriela
John Fogerty
Mr Hudson and the Library
Hiromi's Sonicbloom
The Bees
Soil %26amp; 'Pimp' Sessions
Ganga Giri
Forty Thieves Orkestar
Sunday 24th June 2007
Corinne Bailey Rae
Fat Freddys Drop
Amp Fiddler
Seth Lakeman
Mahala Rai Banda - Electric Gypsyland
Acoustic Stage
Friday 22nd June 2007
Damien Rice
Hothouse Flowers
Sandi Thom
Jack L
Lisa Hannigan
The Dylan Project
Pauline Scanlon
Emmy the Great
Newton Faulkner
Martha Tilston
Saturday 23rd June
The Waterboys
Nick Lowe
Eric Bibb
Richie Havens
The Men They Couldn’t Hang
Liam O’Maonlai
The Storys
Catherine Feeny
Liz Green
Hayley Hutchinson
Sunday 24th June
The Bootleg Beatles
KT Tunstall
Moya Brennan
London Community Gospel Choir
Steve Forbert
Songs of Nick Drake By Keith James
David Saw
Winding Stair
The Epstein
The Park Stage
Friday 22nd June 2007
Spiritualized - Acoustic Mainline
Cajun Dance Party
Martha Wainwright
Charlotte Hatherly
Chas 'n' Dave
Amy Macdonald
Kate Nash
Los Campesionos!
Remi Nicole
The Ralfe Band
Peter %26amp; the Wolf
Saturday 23rd June
Africa Express
Lou Rhodes
Ed Harcourt
Cherry Ghost
Piney Gear
Josh Pyke
Get Well Soon
The High Wire
Sunday 24th June
Gruff Rhys
King Creosote
The Little Ones
Willy Mason
Micah P Hinson
Pete Doherty
Euros Childs
Fionn Regan
Richard Swift
Laura Marling
The Young Republic
The Dance Village...
Friday 22nd June 2007
Fat Boy Slim
The Klaxons
Gus Gus
Simian Mobile Disco
Max Sedgley
Buraka Som Sistema
XX Teens (Formerly Xerox Teens)
Uncle Buck
Saturday 23rd June
Mr Scruff
Mark Ronson
Tim Deluxe
Black Ghosts
Devils Gun
Phil Kieran
Sunday 24th June
Carl Cox
Pendulum Live
Dave Clarke
The Glimmers
Kissy Sellout
Zero DB
Friday 22nd June
Trentemoller Live
Danny Howells
System 7
Surgeon A/V Show
Jim Masters
A Guy Called Gerald
Ralph Myerz and The Jack Herren Band
Alloy Mental
Kava Kava
Marc Vedo
James Gill
Saturday 23rd June
Mr C
Meat Katie and VJ Anyone
DJ Hal
The Bays
The Neville Staple Band
Pama International
Kenji Williams
Will Saul
Breakfast With Howard Marks
Sunday 24th June
Krafty Kuts
Steve Lawler
Crazy P
Stanton Warriors
Phil Hartnoll Presents Long Range
Future Funk Squad
The Whip
DJ Monkey Pilot
G Stage
Friday 22nd June
The Plump DJ's
Rennie Pilgrem %26amp; MC Chickaboo
Adam Freeland
General Midi %26amp; MC Jakes
D. Rameriz
Dumb Blonde
Timo Maas
Tom Real V's The Rogue Element
Atomic Hooligan %26amp; Jay Cunning
The Breakfastaz
Ben %26amp; Lex
Plaza De Funk
Saturday 23rd June
Andy C
Bong Ra
Freq Nasty
Radioactive Man Live
Adam F
Scotch Egg Band (Drumize)
Mr Nice
Jungle Drummer DJ Fu and Rodney P
F**k Me USA
Aural Imbalance
Sunday 24th June
Friday 22nd June
Swami Desi Rock
Bobby Friction (BBC Asian Network)
Asian Dub Foundation Sound System
Catch 22
Bandish Projekt
Midival Punditz
T Bone
It's Bigger Than
Dhol Academy
Flynn %26amp; Flora
Jerona Fruits
Saturday 23rd June
Steven Marley with guest Damian Marley
Iration Steppas
Fat Freddy's Drop
Daddy G
Mad Professor
Nasio Fontaine
Smith %26amp; Mighty
Bobby Kray %26amp; Dennis Bovell
Dub From Atlantis
Sunday 24th June
Hearin' Aid
Foreign Beggers
Gettin Better Sound System
The Young Punx
Roullet Featuring Queen Bee %26amp; Parker
Thursday 21st June
Annie Nightingale's Dance Village Launch Party
Steve Lawler
Ctrl Z
Suns Of Mecha
Cakeboy %26amp; Doublethink
The Vees
Andy Barlow (Lamb)
Friday 22nd June
Sean Rowley's Guily Pleasures
Four Tet
James Lavelle
Little Barrie
Hafdis Huld
Men in Masks
Hearin' Aid
Western Soul
The Nextmen featuring MC Wrec %26amp; Zarif
Western Soul
Urban Myth Club
Breaking the Illusion
Saturday 23rd June
Andy Cato
Die %26amp; Clipz
Annie Mac
Bonde Do Role
Erol Alkan
Cicada - Live
Husky Rescue
Para One
Bimbo Jones
Filthy Dukes
Sunday 24th June
Bugz In The Attic
Rob Da Bank %26amp; MC Beardyman
Dub Pistols
Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius Pip
J Mountain
Ben Westbeech
The Loose Cannons
It's Bigger Than
Infinite Scale
DJ Finn
Pussy Parlure
Thursday 21st June
We Don’t Play
Niece %26amp; Unc
The John E Vistic Experience
Western Soul DJs
DJ Badly
Friday 22nd June
Healer Selecta
Special Guest
Oojami Live
Healer Selecta
Zen Hussies
Sancho Panza featuring the Twilight Players
Leon Jean-Marie
We Don’t Play
DiscÃpulos de Otilia
Bourbon Warfare DJs
Circus Star Cabaret
Detectives of Perspective
Saturday 23rd June
DJ Zorro
La Kinky Beat
Mr M
Dr Meaker
Jose Luis
Circus Star Cabaret
Sean Rowley Presents I'm Not in Love
Salsa Class with Mo Flex
Emporium featuring Bingo Karaoke
POP Quiz
Sunday 24th June
Russ Jones 'The Hackney Globetrotter'
DJ Forty Thieves
DJ Tofowski
Forty Thieves Orkestar
Emporium featuring Bingo Karaoke
Kitty, Daisy %26amp; Lewis
Sancho Panza
The Kleptones
That Lazysunday DJ
ID Spiral
Thursday 21st June
Dom Spiral
Sheik Yarbooty
Friday 22nd June
Mark Mandala
Iain Dub vs Addsineon
Tom / Mira
Mirror System
Saturday 23rd June
Pete Ardron
Tall Will
Dan Spencer
Liquid Ross
Liquid Djems
Tom / Mira
Matt Black
Sunday 24th June
Luna Lis
Naked Nick
Guy called Gerald (SUGOI)
Simon Pieman
Avalon Stage
Friday 22nd June 2007
Mike Scott and Steve Wickham/The Waterboys
Show Of Hands
The Cat Empire
Chumbawamba acoustic
Oi Va Voi
Ben Waters Band
Saturday 23rd June
The Saw Doctors
Seth Lakeman
Gruff Rhys
The Broken Family Band
Julie Fowlis
Robin %26amp; Bina Williamson
3 Daft Monkeys
Big Strides
Sunday 24th June
Billy Bragg
Rise Kagona %26amp; Champion Doug Veitch
Corb Lund %26amp; The Hurtin' Albertans
Jeff Lang
Avalonian Free State Choir
Emily Barker %26amp; The Red Clay Halo
Avalon Cafe Stage
Thursday 21st June 2007
Big Strides
The Huckleberries
The Johnsons
Rod Thomas
Benjamin and the Sirens
Friday 22nd June
Gringo Ska
Bible Code Sundays
Los Albertos
Tumble Weed Jim
Your Garden Day
Green Angels
Mik Artistik
Helen Boulding and Tom Pi
The Cedar
Stompin Dave Allen
Saturday 23rd June
The Cosmic Sausages
The Matzos
The Monks Kitchen
Dog House Skiffle Band
Sellors and the Scientists
The Johnsons
Alamo Leal
Chris Jagger's acoustic band
Rod Thomas
Acoustic Collective
Sunday 24th June
Your Garden Day
Boy Le Monti
Al O'Kane
The great Xar/The Show Ponies
The Wraiths
Who's Got The Keys
The Babylon Ensemble
Bag of Rats
Acoustic Collective
Glade Stage
Friday 22nd June 2007
Seth Lakeman
Simon Atkinson %26amp; The Ben Marcato Trio
Pee Wee Ellis with James Morton and The Rawness
Iain Ballamy
Kenji Williams
Buraka Som Sistema
Mark Edwards Hard Rain Environmental Show
DJ's in Residence
Clive Craske
The Head Gardener
Saturday 23rd June
Mr Bojangles Moustache
Nigel Mazyln Jones
Jamie Cato (1 Giant Leap)
Nick Warren
!!! (chk chk chk)
Ozric Tentacles
DJ's in Residence
Doctor D
Sunday 24th June
Hedge Monkey
La Kinky Beat
Husky Rescue
Greg Dread and Spee
Ganga Giri
DJ's in Residence
DJ Andromeda
Soul of Man
Croissant Neuf Stage
Thursday 21st June 2007
The Egg
Friday 22nd June
Yoga Workshop Class
Bad Science
The Soundcarriers
The Huckleberries
Rodney Branigan
Almeida Girl and Le grand Descarga
Saturday 23rd June
Yoga workshop class
Seize the Day
Kangaroon Moon
Steve Hillage (System 7 Dj set)
Sunday 24th June
Biggles Wartime Band
The Boat Band
F.O.S. Brothers
The Harp Trio
The Big
Baka Beyond and The G’Bine
Left Field
Thursday 21st June 2007
Stage 1
Beans on Toast
Soul Survivors
Kid Harpoon
3 Daft Monkeys
The Blood Arm
The Thirst
Left Field Anti-Slavery Night: With Unite Against Facism %26amp; SWTUC (hosted by Don Letts %26amp; Dub Cartel)
Don Letts %26amp; Dub Cartel
King Blues
Damien Dempsey
Pama Inernational
The Beat
Stage 2
Open Mic
Charlene Jones
Emmy the Great
Dan Donnelly
Fortune Drive
Seasick Steve
Left Field Anti-Slavery Night: With Unite Against Facism %26amp; SWTUC (hosted by Don Letts %26amp; Dub Cartel)
Don Letts
Anti Slavery Vox DJ
Holy ****
Liz Green
Rodney Brannigan
Sean Taylor
Friday 22nd June
Stage 1
Drum Workshop / Carnival Collective
Film – Glastonbury Gap Year
The Hours
Latin American Resistance – Panel discussion with Bob Crow, RMT, Carlos Lozarro (Columbian Journalist and death squad survivor), Brendan Barber (TUC) and Hugh Lanning (PCS)
Tacto Latino
Very be Careful
Discipulos de Otilla
Shelter and VirtualFestivals.com present the Left Field night for Affordable Housing:
Republic of Loose
Back to the Planet
Neds Atomic Dustbin
Stage 2
Open Mic
Daisy Sweet Hearts
Jersey Budd
Fionn Regan
Kid Harpoon (ac)
Joe Driscoll
Jim Bob (CUSM)
Glen Tilbrook
DJ (Huw Stephens)
Jack Penate
DJ (Black Rats)
Duke Special
DJ (Goldierocks)
Fred %26amp; Benny
Saturday 24th June
Stage 1
Open Mic (Shelter)
The Deadbeats
Peace 1 world FILM
PLATFORM: Youth Protest Platform with Gemma Turnelty (NUS), UNISON, PCS and Youth Music
GMB Present: Up the Poles! Left Field campaign for migrant workers union rights
The Poise Rite
Comedy with: Mark Steel, Nick Wilty, Steve Gribben and MC Rosie Wilbey
Ruarri Joseph
Love Music Hate Racism presents:
LMHR discussion with tonights artists and Derek Simpson (AMICUS)
The Mentalists
No Lay
Get Cape incl PlanB
Lethal Bizzle
The Noisettes
Stage 2
Beans on Toast
Dan Donnelly
Rhoda Dakar
King Blues
Brakes (acoustic)
Sunday 25th June
Stage 1
Carnival Collective
Another World is Possible!
Environmental Campaign Film
George Monbiot (campaigner and Guardian journalist)
Eric Faulkner (Bay City Rollers)
Tony Benn hosts ‘Another World is Possible’ with Frances O’Grady (TUC), Chris Baugh (PCS) and Shelter
Get Up Stand Up – No to Trident!
Marcus Brigstocke
Ed Byrne
Tony Benn
Shazia Mirza
Mark Thomas
Neville Staples (from The Specials)
Soweto Kinch
Glenn Tilbrook
DJ Phil Jupitus
Youth Music Present:
Get Cape Wear Cape Fly
Youth Music Award Build a Protest band winners
Jail Guitar Doors – the campaign to give instruments to prisoners in memory of Joe Strummer
DJ Phil Jupitus
Billy Bragg %26amp; Guests
Stage 2
Positively Testcard
African Skies
Dan Donnelly
Night of Treason
Lost Vagueness
Friday 22nd June 2007
DJ Sophie Toes, Lorne
MC Dougie Invisible
Dreamstate Circus
Merlinski Spacelee
Divine Company
Empress Stah
DJ Lorngerie
Ryan Styles
Empress Stah
Cous-cous Torture Company
DJ Desert Ivan Discs
Dynamo Rhythm Ace
DJ Bollox and DJ Drew
Dusty Sprinkles and the Hot Jazz Biscuits
DJ Bollox and DJ Drew
Saturday 23rd June
DJ Sophie Toes
Luxury Condo
DJ Lorngerie
MC Mat Fraser
Dream State Circus
Merlinski Spacelee
Sumaya Flamenco Troupe
Perverted Turkeys
DJ Marsh Mellow Mike
Mat Fraser
Taylor Mac
Zudance Aerial
Martha and Arthur
Kitty Bang Bang
Vicky McManus
Twighlight Players
DJ Sophie Toes
The Lovers
DJ Andy Wetherall
DJ Marsh Mellow Mike
Sunday 24th June
DJ Sophie Toes
MC Dave Chameleon
Divine Company
Kitty Bang Bang
Martha and Atthur
Vicky McManus
Paul Zenon
Bees Knees
Empress Stah
DJ Lorngerie and Sophie Toes
Cous Cous Torture Company
Deviant Aerial
Paul Zenon and Sleez
Empress Stah
Perverted Turkeys
Bees Knees
DJ Lorngerie and Sophie Toes
The Puppini Sisters
DJ Lorne Sophie Mike
The Fat 45s
DJ Marsh Mellow Mike
Babylon Bandstand
Thursday 21st June 2007
Paris Motel
The Electric Soup
The Mandibles
Shorn Rah
The Doubtful Guest
Max Pashm
Friday 22nd June
Cortina Deluxx
Wizz %26amp; Simeon Jones
Bill Smarme
Rose Kemp
The Cedars
Snortin' Dogs
Electric Bill
The Duckworths
Michael J Sheehy
John E Vistic
Saturday 23rd June
The Cloghoppers Phil King
Glistening Cogs of Greenland The Volt
The Mandrake Project The Clap
Jeremy Smoking Jacket The Mighty Peas
Joe Public SJ Esau
Argument About Yellow Cats %26amp; Cats %26amp; Cats %26amp; Cats
Sgt Peppers
Vladimir Steamboat
The Cedar
The Blessing
Zen Hussies
Los Albertos
Sunday 24th June
Phil King
The Volt
The Clap
The Mighty Peas
SJ Esau
Cats %26amp; Cats %26amp; Cats %26amp; Cats
The Wurzels
Stonebridge Bar (in The Park)
Thursday 21st June 2007
Gerry’s Joint
Guilty Pleasures
Baggy Mondays
Friday 22nd June
I'm With Stupid
Arthur Shearlaw
Joe and Nicky’s Sweet Charity
Sean Rowley (rock 'n' roll set)
Pablo Psychonaut
Get Involved
Saturday 23rd June
Butch Cassidy’s Reggae Pop Show
Four Tet with Eat Your Own Ears DJs
Broader Than Broadway And Bobby Champagne Jr
Hip Hop Karaoke
Guto (Super Furry Animals /Trojan Records)
Soul Jazz Sound System
Beyond The Wizard’s Sleeve (Richard Norris and Erol Alkan)
Sunday 24th June
Butch Cassidy’s Reggae Pop Show
Baggy Mondays
Heavenly jukebox
Ben Swank (Fitzrovian Phonographic)
Pete Fowler (Monsterism)
Robin and Nick (heavenly jukebox/The Admiralty Club)
Broader Than Broadway Soundsystem
Poetry%26amp;Words Tent
Friday,22nd June 2007
Dennis Gould
The Far Travellers:
Bob Harding-Jones, Oz Hardwick, Marty Mulligan %26amp; Chelley McClear, PJ (Poetry Jack)
The Urbanian Quarter:
Andy Craven-Griffiths, Phaze, John Berkavitch, Polar Bear
Hold on to your hats!
Poems %26amp; Protest
Open Mic
Festival website Poet in Residence, Elvis McGonagall
The Smooth Speakers:
Jim Carruth, The Honey Tongues, Talking Tekla, Dennis Just Dennis, Tony Walsh
Saturday,23rd June
Poems %26amp; Protest:
Aime Hansen, Byron Vincent, Shagufta K. Iqbal, Corporate Watch (Claire Fauset, Merrick and Danny Chivers)
The Smooth Speakers
The Vagina Monologues presented by Team Vagina
(Janie Digby, Jess Lewin, Chloe Castleton, Arabella Gibbins)
Women's Time
Open Mic (Women Only)
Far Travellers
Riff Raff Poets:
Dennis Gould %26amp; Pat VT West
The Urbanian Quarter
Hold on to your hats!:
Milo, Ebele, Helen Shay, pint-sized poet, Thick Richard
Sunday, 24th June
Poems For The Abolition Of Slavery
P%26amp;W People, including Helen Gregory and Kelly Gaffney
Open Mic
The Urbanian Quarter
Hold on to your hats!
The Smooth Speakers
Poems %26amp; Protest
The Far Travellers
Festival website Poet in Residence, Elvis McGonagall
The Poetry Slam!
The Vagina Monologues
Plus! around the edges - The Poetry Controllers – MILBURGA
Thursday 21st June 2007
The Deadbeats
Dr Meaker
The Maple State
Liz Green
Venus Bogardus
The John E Vistic Experience
Ed Cottam
Lewis Sleeman
Nine Bean Rows
Friday 22nd June
The Whip
The 9000
The Loungs
Scouting For Girls
Thirty Pounds of Bone
The Travelling Band
Haiki Loki
Saturday 23rd June
Orphan Boy
Love Minus Zero
Neon Plastix
The Answering Machine
Durban Poison
The Epstein
Cortina Deluxx
Sunday 24th June
The Courteeners
Cherry Ghost
Liam Frost
It's A Buffalo
Pierre Hall %26amp; The Lead Balloons
Clarky Cat
Rob Sharples
The Grim Northern Social
Sam Hammond
The Queen's Head
Thursday 21st June 2007
Sonny Jim (DJ)
Simian Mobile Disco (DJ)
The Draytones
Candie Payne
The Changes
Underground Heroes
The Servant
Friday 22nd June
Acid Jazz is 20! (DJ)
Mr Hudson And The Library
Ed Harcourt
The Wombats
A Fine Frenzy
Little Barrie
U Brown (with Eddie Piller)
Saturday 23rd June
Sean Rowley (Guilty Pleasures) presents A Pop Odyssey (DJ)
The Horrors
Amp Fiddler
The Rumble Strips
Tiny Dancers
Bench Connection
Ross Copperman
Duke Special
The Lea Shore
Bert Miller And The Animal Folk
Sunday 24th June
Pressure Sounds Sound System (DJ)
Cold War Kids
Seasick Steve
Noah And The Whale
Cherry Ghost
Findlay Brown
Crash My Model Car
Shy Child
White Rabbits
Envy Corps
Victoria Hart
Theatre, Circus and Cabaret
Cabaret Stage
Big Beats
Frank Olivier
Janey Godley
Shirlee Sunflower
Harriet Bowden
Jared Hardy
Attila the Stockbroker
John Otway
Paul Nathan
Steve Gribbin
Mary Bourke
Rory Motion
Radio 4 presents “4 in a Field”
Rhythm Wave
Stan Stanley %26amp; Nina Conti
Barry Cryer %26amp; Ronnie Golden
Jeff Green
Dot Comedy presents “Cuddly Fluffkins”
Phil Kay
Phil Nichol
Nick Wilty
Jim Jeffries
Murray Lachlan-Young
Marcus Brigstocke
Mitch Benn
4 Poofs %26amp; a Piano
Andrew Maxwell
Reverend Obadiah
The Great Voltini %26amp; Nurse Electra
Phil Nichol
Kevin Eldon
Glen Wool
Brendan Burns
Pandora Pink
Reginald D. Hunter
Andy Parsons
Guy Pratt
Ian Cognito
Woody Wilding presents “Record Graveyard” with added rice!
La Belle Epoque
The Black Eagles
The Cosmic Sausages
Dino Lampa
The Esuapim Cultural Troupe
Jonathan Kay Twisted Cabaret
The Stephen Frost Impro Allstars with Phil Jupitus, Andy Smart,
Suki Webster, Richard Vranch, Steve Steen and the inimitable Stephen Frost
Andi Neate
The Cholmondeleys and the Featherstonehaughs
Charles Ross
October Hamlyn-Wright
Taylor Mac
Circus Big Top
Orchestra del Sol – Music
Circomedia - Aerial
Jamie Walker - Diabolo
Missfitz - Aerial
Dino Lampa – Juggler
AJ - Acro
Barnaby Bear with me -
Missfitz - Aerial
Black Eagles - Acro
Tumble Circus – Aerial
Jay and Manu - Jugglers
Haggis – Hats
Miku and Sanna - Trapeze
Matias and Olga – Jugglers
Space Cowboy
Barefoot - Aerial
Grant Goldie - Diabolo
Courtney Orange - Acro
Frenetic Engineering - Holland %26amp; Hales – Aerial
Kwabana Lindsey – Slack Rope
Jay and Matias - Jugglers
Matias and Olga – Jugglers
Dan the Hat - Hats
Dare – Acro
Miku and Sanna - Trapeze
Jay and Manu - Jugglers
Space Cowboy
Courtney Orange
Shirlee Sunflower
Dare – Acro
Marina - Aerial
Angie Mackman - Hula
Dan the Hat - Hats
Tumble Circus – Aerial
Incandescence – Venetian Masquerade
Great Dave
Marina – Aerial
Mario, Queen of the Circus
Angie Mackman - Hula
Drum Summit
Sensation Seekers' Stage
The Sneakers present Courgettes
Charmaine Childs
Hot Potato Syncopators
The Splott Brothers
Frenetic Engineering present 'Les Femmes Fatal'
Dynamos Rhythm Aces
Your Dad
Jon Hicks
Tony Macaroni
The Moosen Men
The Herbie Treehead Band
Your Dad
Jacqui Algie
Senor Chainsaw
Mike Raffone
Dirty Fred
The Other Halfs
Beautiful Stu
Dance Saddlespan Stage
Carnival Collective
Flamenco Aire
The Esuapim Cultural Troupe
The Jaipur Kawa Brass Band
Saddlers Wells
The Twilight Dancers
Rhythm Wave
Cut A Shine
Courtney Orange
The Twilight Dancers
Courtney Orange
John Otway
Big Beats
Bill Bailey
Outside Circus Stage
The Herbie Treehead Band
Dino Lampa
Hearts Tongue
Courtney Orange
Barnaby Bear with Me
Mr. Spin
The Great Dave
Jamie Walker
Chapati Tree Pixies
Shirlee Sunflower
Dynamos Rhthym Aces
Inner Spin
Banjo Circus
Moosen Men
Beautiful Stu
Senor Chainsaw
Guy Pratt
The Better Halfs
Grounds and Around
Installations and ground shows in the three Theatre and Circus Fields:
1623 Theatre with Shakespeare 3 times a day
Jakcie Algae
Avanti Display
The BAC Caravan Installation
Tommy Baker
Banjo Circus
Beautiful Stu
The Biding Time Caravan Installation
Big Beats
Big Rory
BIG WHEEL in East Holts
The Blackboard Project
Black Box Theatre
Blue Moon’s Village Fete
Bosco Circus with juggling and circus skills workshops in Circus Field
The Caravan Duke Box
Carnival Collective
The Cavemen
Chapathi Tree Pixies
The Chinese Lion
Circus Antics with juggling and circus skills workshops in Circus Field
Curious Eyebrows
Cyberstein’s Giant Robots
Daemons and doppelgangers clay workshops
DODGEMS in East Holts
Dodgy Totty with “Open for Business”
Dot Comedy’s Amazing Maze – “Get Lost”
External Combustion’s Light Dragon
Fair Play
Fill up Full Stop
The Flying Buttresses
The Gargoyles
Glow Bros
The Hare and the Tortoise
Heart’s Tongue
Drew Hewitt’s Boat
High Rise Rubber
Joe Hoare and his Laughter Workshop
Fraser Hooper
Housewives’ Return
The Human Juke Box
Incandescence’s Playing Cards
The Incredible Bull Circus
Inner Spin
Tom Tom Keeling’s sound boxes
Legendary Lynne
Kwabana Lindsay
Tony Macaroni
Magic Singh
The Maharajah’s Feast
Mario, Queen of the Circus
Masters of the Kazooniverse
The Miniscule Of Sound Nightclub
The Musical Freedome
The Mystic Swing
Orkestra del Sol
The Other Halfs
Ozstar Airlines
Paint by Numbers
Simon Parker’s One-Man Theatre
Tosa Parkin’s Gracie Spoons
Pandora Pink
Rose Popay and her Glastonbury Festival participative painting
Railroad Bill
Reckless Invention
Roundabout for tinies
Sav and Partner
The Seagulls
Skateboard Ramp Exhibitions
Skate Naked
Skyfyre’s fire screens in Fire Corner in Glebeland
The Sonic Forest 24/7 in Glebeland
Sparky the Robot
Mr. Spin
The Splott Brothers
Stickleback Plasticus
Swank and their Girl Guide Camp
Synaesthesia Entertainments
The Tea Ladies on Tour
The Thoroughbreds
Paul Tolhurst
Trulee Peachie’s Giant Balloon Participative Sculpture
The Ugs
The Unhappy Sideshow
Vertigo Stilts
The Vicrtorian Wenches
The Village Disco
Ben Zuddhist
Trash City – Pyrette Ship Stage
The Apocalypse Games Show
Barefoot with trapeze
Miss Behave
Dirty Fred
Electric Dolls House
Doug Francisco
Captain Howdy's Flying Circus
Shep Huntley
The Mighty Gareth
Light It!
Space Cowboy
Tusk-Fire Pain-Proof Circus
Trash City – Around and About
Tusk-Fire’s Carnie Encampment
Miranda Mutanta and her piano
The Red Hot Vixens
Twisted Dreams
Trash City - Flaming Love Palace
Ebony Bones
Hooligan Night
Dead Silence
Crack Village
Warlords Of Pez
Naked Ruby
Carpet Face
The Vees
Gaz Mayall
Steve Bedlam %26amp; Wreckage
The Pony Girls %26amp; Jo Peacock
Ruby Blues
Fire Corner
Up in fire corner, in the north east corner of Glebeland Theatre Field, there will be a great fire show on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights from Solar, Elemental and the Festival Fire Swingers. And, on Thursday once it is dark, and on Friday and Saturday, once the Saddlespan Dance Stage has closed, come and watch the amazing Eddie Egal and Arson Art present their stunning flame show “Pyronautic”. 60 foot flames, sexy actors and some truly dangerous and ravishing effects – not to be missed.
Cinima Field
Thursday 21st June 2007
Pulp Fiction
This Is England
Donnie Darko
The Blues Brothers
American Psycho
The Lost Boys
Friday 22nd June
Thelma And Louise
Itty Bitty Titty Committee
A Dog's Breakfast
Hot Fuzz
Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring
Pirates Of The Caribbean
Short Film Programme
An Inconvenient Truth
Saturday 23rd June
Scanner Darkly
True Romance
Oasis documentary
Hot Fuzz
Team America
Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers
Pirates Of The Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest
Short Film Programme
War On Democracy
The Magic Roundabout
Sunday 24th
Walk The Line
Pirates Of The Caribbean 3: At World's End
The Last King Of Scotland
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Lord Of The Rings 3: Return Of The King
Cool Runnings
Short Film Programme
The Truth About Weapons Of Mass Destruction
Happy Feet
Glastonbury Festival 2007 full lineup?
Glastonbury Festival 2007
June 2007
Pyramid Stage
Friday 22 June
Arctic Monkeys - confirmed
Kasabian - confirmed
The Fratellis - confirmed
Bloc Party - confirmed
The Magic Numbers - confirmed
Amy Winehouse - confirmed
Gogol Bordello - confirmed
The Earlies - confirmed
The View - confirmed
Adjagas - confirmed
Saturday 23 June
The Killers - confirmed
The Kooks - confirmed
Paul Weller - confirmed
Paolo Nutini - confirmed
Lily Allen - confirmed
Dirty Pretty Things - confirmed
Guillemots - confirmed
The Pipettes - confirmed
Seasick Steve - confirmed
Liz Green - confirmed
Sunday 24 June
The Who - confirmed
Kaiser Chiefs - confirmed
Manic Street Preachers - confirmed
Shirley Bassey - confirmed
James Morrison - confirmed
Pyramid Stage
Sunday 24 June
Damian Marley - confirmed
Stephen Marley - confirmed
The Waterboys - confirmed
Corb Lund - confirmed
National Youth Orchestra - confirmed
Other Stage
Friday 22 June
Bjork - confirmed
Arcade Fire - confirmed
Rufus Wainwright - confirmed
The Coral - confirmed
Super Furry Animals - confirmed
Bright Eyes - confirmed
The Automatic - confirmed
Modest Mouse - confirmed
The Cribs - confirmed
Reverend And The Makers - confirmed
Mr Hudson and the Library - confirmed
Saturday 23 June
Iggy %26amp; the Stooges - confirmed
Editors - confirmed
Maximo Park - confirmed
Babyshambles - confirmed
Klaxons - confirmed
CSS - confirmed
Biffy Clyro - confirmed
The Long Blondes - confirmed
Brakes - confirmed
Reply:The Guardian has the best line up http://music.guardian.co.uk/glastonbury2...
The BBC has the best overal glasters website
Looks like its going to be a wet one :D
Reply:check the website or google
Reply:Get over Glastonbury the hype doesn't match the entertainment.
develop skin cancer
Friday 22nd June 2007
Arctic Monkeys
The Fratellis
Bloc Party
The Magic Numbers
Amy Winehouse
Gogol Bordello
The Earlies
Saturday 23rd June
The Killers
The Kooks
Paul Weller
Paolo Nutini
Lily Allen
Dirty Pretty Things
The Pipettes
Seasick Steve
Liz Green
Sunday 24th June
The Who
Kaiser Chiefs
Manic Street Preachers
Dame Shirley Bassey
James Morrison
Marley Brothers Present The 30th Anniversary Of Exodus
The Waterboys
Corb Lund
National Youth Orchestra
Other Stage
Friday 22nd Jun 2007
Arcade Fire
Rufus Wainwright
The Coral
Super Furry Animals
Bright Eyes
The Automatic
Modest Mouse
The Cribs
Reverend And The Makers
Mr Hudson And The Library
Saturday 23rd June
Iggy And The Stooges
Maximo Park
Biffy Clyro
The Long Blondes
El Presidente
The Switches
Sunday 24th June
The Chemical Brothers
The View
The Go! Team
The Rakes
Get Cape Wear Cape Fly
Coldwar Kids
Sunshine Underground
The Enemy
The Holloways
Kharma 45
John Peel Stage
Friday 22nd June 2007
Hot Chip
Mum Ra
Jack Penate
Hold Steady
The New Pornographers
Tokyo Police Club
Good Shoes
The Annuals
Disco Ensemble
Fear of Music
Look See Proof
Saturday 23rd June
The Twang
Get Cape Wearcape Fly
Patrick Wolf
Bat for Lashes
Pigeon Detectives
Calvin Harris
You Say Party We Say Die
Holy ****
The Heights
The Rushes
The Hours
Grim Northern Social
Blue Bullet
Sunday 24th June
Jamie T
Just Jack
Mark Ronson
Scott Mathews
Young Knives
Rumble Strips
The Horrors
Tiny Dancers
Shoot The Moon
JazzWorld Stage
Friday 22nd June 2007
Damian Marley
Amy Winehouse
Toumani Diabaté %26amp; Symmetric Orchestra
Gus Gus
Nasio Fontaine
Soweto Kinch
Midival Punditz feat. Karsh Kale %26amp; special guests
Guilty Pleasures Featuring The Tor Dogs %26amp; Special Guests
Saturday 23rd June 2007
Rodrigo y Gabriela
John Fogerty
Mr Hudson and the Library
Hiromi's Sonicbloom
The Bees
Soil %26amp; 'Pimp' Sessions
Ganga Giri
Forty Thieves Orkestar
Sunday 24th June 2007
Corinne Bailey Rae
Fat Freddys Drop
Amp Fiddler
Seth Lakeman
Mahala Rai Banda - Electric Gypsyland
Acoustic Stage
Friday 22nd June 2007
Damien Rice
Hothouse Flowers
Sandi Thom
Jack L
Lisa Hannigan
The Dylan Project
Pauline Scanlon
Emmy the Great
Newton Faulkner
Martha Tilston
Saturday 23rd June
The Waterboys
Nick Lowe
Eric Bibb
Richie Havens
The Men They Couldn’t Hang
Liam O’Maonlai
The Storys
Catherine Feeny
Liz Green
Hayley Hutchinson
Sunday 24th June
The Bootleg Beatles
KT Tunstall
Moya Brennan
London Community Gospel Choir
Steve Forbert
Songs of Nick Drake By Keith James
David Saw
Winding Stair
The Epstein
The Park Stage
Friday 22nd June 2007
Spiritualized - Acoustic Mainline
Cajun Dance Party
Martha Wainwright
Charlotte Hatherly
Chas 'n' Dave
Amy Macdonald
Kate Nash
Los Campesionos!
Remi Nicole
The Ralfe Band
Peter %26amp; the Wolf
Saturday 23rd June
Africa Express
Lou Rhodes
Ed Harcourt
Cherry Ghost
Piney Gear
Josh Pyke
Get Well Soon
The High Wire
Sunday 24th June
Gruff Rhys
King Creosote
The Little Ones
Willy Mason
Micah P Hinson
Pete Doherty
Euros Childs
Fionn Regan
Richard Swift
Laura Marling
The Young Republic
The Dance Village...
Friday 22nd June 2007
Fat Boy Slim
The Klaxons
Gus Gus
Simian Mobile Disco
Max Sedgley
Buraka Som Sistema
XX Teens (Formerly Xerox Teens)
Uncle Buck
Saturday 23rd June
Mr Scruff
Mark Ronson
Tim Deluxe
Black Ghosts
Devils Gun
Phil Kieran
Sunday 24th June
Carl Cox
Pendulum Live
Dave Clarke
The Glimmers
Kissy Sellout
Zero DB
Friday 22nd June
Trentemoller Live
Danny Howells
System 7
Surgeon A/V Show
Jim Masters
A Guy Called Gerald
Ralph Myerz and The Jack Herren Band
Alloy Mental
Kava Kava
Marc Vedo
James Gill
Saturday 23rd June
Mr C
Meat Katie and VJ Anyone
DJ Hal
The Bays
The Neville Staple Band
Pama International
Kenji Williams
Will Saul
Breakfast With Howard Marks
Sunday 24th June
Krafty Kuts
Steve Lawler
Crazy P
Stanton Warriors
Phil Hartnoll Presents Long Range
Future Funk Squad
The Whip
DJ Monkey Pilot
G Stage
Friday 22nd June
The Plump DJ's
Rennie Pilgrem %26amp; MC Chickaboo
Adam Freeland
General Midi %26amp; MC Jakes
D. Rameriz
Dumb Blonde
Timo Maas
Tom Real V's The Rogue Element
Atomic Hooligan %26amp; Jay Cunning
The Breakfastaz
Ben %26amp; Lex
Plaza De Funk
Saturday 23rd June
Andy C
Bong Ra
Freq Nasty
Radioactive Man Live
Adam F
Scotch Egg Band (Drumize)
Mr Nice
Jungle Drummer DJ Fu and Rodney P
F**k Me USA
Aural Imbalance
Sunday 24th June
Friday 22nd June
Swami Desi Rock
Bobby Friction (BBC Asian Network)
Asian Dub Foundation Sound System
Catch 22
Bandish Projekt
Midival Punditz
T Bone
It's Bigger Than
Dhol Academy
Flynn %26amp; Flora
Jerona Fruits
Saturday 23rd June
Steven Marley with guest Damian Marley
Iration Steppas
Fat Freddy's Drop
Daddy G
Mad Professor
Nasio Fontaine
Smith %26amp; Mighty
Bobby Kray %26amp; Dennis Bovell
Dub From Atlantis
Sunday 24th June
Hearin' Aid
Foreign Beggers
Gettin Better Sound System
The Young Punx
Roullet Featuring Queen Bee %26amp; Parker
Thursday 21st June
Annie Nightingale's Dance Village Launch Party
Steve Lawler
Ctrl Z
Suns Of Mecha
Cakeboy %26amp; Doublethink
The Vees
Andy Barlow (Lamb)
Friday 22nd June
Sean Rowley's Guily Pleasures
Four Tet
James Lavelle
Little Barrie
Hafdis Huld
Men in Masks
Hearin' Aid
Western Soul
The Nextmen featuring MC Wrec %26amp; Zarif
Western Soul
Urban Myth Club
Breaking the Illusion
Saturday 23rd June
Andy Cato
Die %26amp; Clipz
Annie Mac
Bonde Do Role
Erol Alkan
Cicada - Live
Husky Rescue
Para One
Bimbo Jones
Filthy Dukes
Sunday 24th June
Bugz In The Attic
Rob Da Bank %26amp; MC Beardyman
Dub Pistols
Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius Pip
J Mountain
Ben Westbeech
The Loose Cannons
It's Bigger Than
Infinite Scale
DJ Finn
Pussy Parlure
Thursday 21st June
We Don’t Play
Niece %26amp; Unc
The John E Vistic Experience
Western Soul DJs
DJ Badly
Friday 22nd June
Healer Selecta
Special Guest
Oojami Live
Healer Selecta
Zen Hussies
Sancho Panza featuring the Twilight Players
Leon Jean-Marie
We Don’t Play
DiscÃpulos de Otilia
Bourbon Warfare DJs
Circus Star Cabaret
Detectives of Perspective
Saturday 23rd June
DJ Zorro
La Kinky Beat
Mr M
Dr Meaker
Jose Luis
Circus Star Cabaret
Sean Rowley Presents I'm Not in Love
Salsa Class with Mo Flex
Emporium featuring Bingo Karaoke
POP Quiz
Sunday 24th June
Russ Jones 'The Hackney Globetrotter'
DJ Forty Thieves
DJ Tofowski
Forty Thieves Orkestar
Emporium featuring Bingo Karaoke
Kitty, Daisy %26amp; Lewis
Sancho Panza
The Kleptones
That Lazysunday DJ
ID Spiral
Thursday 21st June
Dom Spiral
Sheik Yarbooty
Friday 22nd June
Mark Mandala
Iain Dub vs Addsineon
Tom / Mira
Mirror System
Saturday 23rd June
Pete Ardron
Tall Will
Dan Spencer
Liquid Ross
Liquid Djems
Tom / Mira
Matt Black
Sunday 24th June
Luna Lis
Naked Nick
Guy called Gerald (SUGOI)
Simon Pieman
Avalon Stage
Friday 22nd June 2007
Mike Scott and Steve Wickham/The Waterboys
Show Of Hands
The Cat Empire
Chumbawamba acoustic
Oi Va Voi
Ben Waters Band
Saturday 23rd June
The Saw Doctors
Seth Lakeman
Gruff Rhys
The Broken Family Band
Julie Fowlis
Robin %26amp; Bina Williamson
3 Daft Monkeys
Big Strides
Sunday 24th June
Billy Bragg
Rise Kagona %26amp; Champion Doug Veitch
Corb Lund %26amp; The Hurtin' Albertans
Jeff Lang
Avalonian Free State Choir
Emily Barker %26amp; The Red Clay Halo
Avalon Cafe Stage
Thursday 21st June 2007
Big Strides
The Huckleberries
The Johnsons
Rod Thomas
Benjamin and the Sirens
Friday 22nd June
Gringo Ska
Bible Code Sundays
Los Albertos
Tumble Weed Jim
Your Garden Day
Green Angels
Mik Artistik
Helen Boulding and Tom Pi
The Cedar
Stompin Dave Allen
Saturday 23rd June
The Cosmic Sausages
The Matzos
The Monks Kitchen
Dog House Skiffle Band
Sellors and the Scientists
The Johnsons
Alamo Leal
Chris Jagger's acoustic band
Rod Thomas
Acoustic Collective
Sunday 24th June
Your Garden Day
Boy Le Monti
Al O'Kane
The great Xar/The Show Ponies
The Wraiths
Who's Got The Keys
The Babylon Ensemble
Bag of Rats
Acoustic Collective
Glade Stage
Friday 22nd June 2007
Seth Lakeman
Simon Atkinson %26amp; The Ben Marcato Trio
Pee Wee Ellis with James Morton and The Rawness
Iain Ballamy
Kenji Williams
Buraka Som Sistema
Mark Edwards Hard Rain Environmental Show
DJ's in Residence
Clive Craske
The Head Gardener
Saturday 23rd June
Mr Bojangles Moustache
Nigel Mazyln Jones
Jamie Cato (1 Giant Leap)
Nick Warren
!!! (chk chk chk)
Ozric Tentacles
DJ's in Residence
Doctor D
Sunday 24th June
Hedge Monkey
La Kinky Beat
Husky Rescue
Greg Dread and Spee
Ganga Giri
DJ's in Residence
DJ Andromeda
Soul of Man
Croissant Neuf Stage
Thursday 21st June 2007
The Egg
Friday 22nd June
Yoga Workshop Class
Bad Science
The Soundcarriers
The Huckleberries
Rodney Branigan
Almeida Girl and Le grand Descarga
Saturday 23rd June
Yoga workshop class
Seize the Day
Kangaroon Moon
Steve Hillage (System 7 Dj set)
Sunday 24th June
Biggles Wartime Band
The Boat Band
F.O.S. Brothers
The Harp Trio
The Big
Baka Beyond and The G’Bine
Left Field
Thursday 21st June 2007
Stage 1
Beans on Toast
Soul Survivors
Kid Harpoon
3 Daft Monkeys
The Blood Arm
The Thirst
Left Field Anti-Slavery Night: With Unite Against Facism %26amp; SWTUC (hosted by Don Letts %26amp; Dub Cartel)
Don Letts %26amp; Dub Cartel
King Blues
Damien Dempsey
Pama Inernational
The Beat
Stage 2
Open Mic
Charlene Jones
Emmy the Great
Dan Donnelly
Fortune Drive
Seasick Steve
Left Field Anti-Slavery Night: With Unite Against Facism %26amp; SWTUC (hosted by Don Letts %26amp; Dub Cartel)
Don Letts
Anti Slavery Vox DJ
Holy ****
Liz Green
Rodney Brannigan
Sean Taylor
Friday 22nd June
Stage 1
Drum Workshop / Carnival Collective
Film – Glastonbury Gap Year
The Hours
Latin American Resistance – Panel discussion with Bob Crow, RMT, Carlos Lozarro (Columbian Journalist and death squad survivor), Brendan Barber (TUC) and Hugh Lanning (PCS)
Tacto Latino
Very be Careful
Discipulos de Otilla
Shelter and VirtualFestivals.com present the Left Field night for Affordable Housing:
Republic of Loose
Back to the Planet
Neds Atomic Dustbin
Stage 2
Open Mic
Daisy Sweet Hearts
Jersey Budd
Fionn Regan
Kid Harpoon (ac)
Joe Driscoll
Jim Bob (CUSM)
Glen Tilbrook
DJ (Huw Stephens)
Jack Penate
DJ (Black Rats)
Duke Special
DJ (Goldierocks)
Fred %26amp; Benny
Saturday 24th June
Stage 1
Open Mic (Shelter)
The Deadbeats
Peace 1 world FILM
PLATFORM: Youth Protest Platform with Gemma Turnelty (NUS), UNISON, PCS and Youth Music
GMB Present: Up the Poles! Left Field campaign for migrant workers union rights
The Poise Rite
Comedy with: Mark Steel, Nick Wilty, Steve Gribben and MC Rosie Wilbey
Ruarri Joseph
Love Music Hate Racism presents:
LMHR discussion with tonights artists and Derek Simpson (AMICUS)
The Mentalists
No Lay
Get Cape incl PlanB
Lethal Bizzle
The Noisettes
Stage 2
Beans on Toast
Dan Donnelly
Rhoda Dakar
King Blues
Brakes (acoustic)
Sunday 25th June
Stage 1
Carnival Collective
Another World is Possible!
Environmental Campaign Film
George Monbiot (campaigner and Guardian journalist)
Eric Faulkner (Bay City Rollers)
Tony Benn hosts ‘Another World is Possible’ with Frances O’Grady (TUC), Chris Baugh (PCS) and Shelter
Get Up Stand Up – No to Trident!
Marcus Brigstocke
Ed Byrne
Tony Benn
Shazia Mirza
Mark Thomas
Neville Staples (from The Specials)
Soweto Kinch
Glenn Tilbrook
DJ Phil Jupitus
Youth Music Present:
Get Cape Wear Cape Fly
Youth Music Award Build a Protest band winners
Jail Guitar Doors – the campaign to give instruments to prisoners in memory of Joe Strummer
DJ Phil Jupitus
Billy Bragg %26amp; Guests
Stage 2
Positively Testcard
African Skies
Dan Donnelly
Night of Treason
Lost Vagueness
Friday 22nd June 2007
DJ Sophie Toes, Lorne
MC Dougie Invisible
Dreamstate Circus
Merlinski Spacelee
Divine Company
Empress Stah
DJ Lorngerie
Ryan Styles
Empress Stah
Cous-cous Torture Company
DJ Desert Ivan Discs
Dynamo Rhythm Ace
DJ Bollox and DJ Drew
Dusty Sprinkles and the Hot Jazz Biscuits
DJ Bollox and DJ Drew
Saturday 23rd June
DJ Sophie Toes
Luxury Condo
DJ Lorngerie
MC Mat Fraser
Dream State Circus
Merlinski Spacelee
Sumaya Flamenco Troupe
Perverted Turkeys
DJ Marsh Mellow Mike
Mat Fraser
Taylor Mac
Zudance Aerial
Martha and Arthur
Kitty Bang Bang
Vicky McManus
Twighlight Players
DJ Sophie Toes
The Lovers
DJ Andy Wetherall
DJ Marsh Mellow Mike
Sunday 24th June
DJ Sophie Toes
MC Dave Chameleon
Divine Company
Kitty Bang Bang
Martha and Atthur
Vicky McManus
Paul Zenon
Bees Knees
Empress Stah
DJ Lorngerie and Sophie Toes
Cous Cous Torture Company
Deviant Aerial
Paul Zenon and Sleez
Empress Stah
Perverted Turkeys
Bees Knees
DJ Lorngerie and Sophie Toes
The Puppini Sisters
DJ Lorne Sophie Mike
The Fat 45s
DJ Marsh Mellow Mike
Babylon Bandstand
Thursday 21st June 2007
Paris Motel
The Electric Soup
The Mandibles
Shorn Rah
The Doubtful Guest
Max Pashm
Friday 22nd June
Cortina Deluxx
Wizz %26amp; Simeon Jones
Bill Smarme
Rose Kemp
The Cedars
Snortin' Dogs
Electric Bill
The Duckworths
Michael J Sheehy
John E Vistic
Saturday 23rd June
The Cloghoppers Phil King
Glistening Cogs of Greenland The Volt
The Mandrake Project The Clap
Jeremy Smoking Jacket The Mighty Peas
Joe Public SJ Esau
Argument About Yellow Cats %26amp; Cats %26amp; Cats %26amp; Cats
Sgt Peppers
Vladimir Steamboat
The Cedar
The Blessing
Zen Hussies
Los Albertos
Sunday 24th June
Phil King
The Volt
The Clap
The Mighty Peas
SJ Esau
Cats %26amp; Cats %26amp; Cats %26amp; Cats
The Wurzels
Stonebridge Bar (in The Park)
Thursday 21st June 2007
Gerry’s Joint
Guilty Pleasures
Baggy Mondays
Friday 22nd June
I'm With Stupid
Arthur Shearlaw
Joe and Nicky’s Sweet Charity
Sean Rowley (rock 'n' roll set)
Pablo Psychonaut
Get Involved
Saturday 23rd June
Butch Cassidy’s Reggae Pop Show
Four Tet with Eat Your Own Ears DJs
Broader Than Broadway And Bobby Champagne Jr
Hip Hop Karaoke
Guto (Super Furry Animals /Trojan Records)
Soul Jazz Sound System
Beyond The Wizard’s Sleeve (Richard Norris and Erol Alkan)
Sunday 24th June
Butch Cassidy’s Reggae Pop Show
Baggy Mondays
Heavenly jukebox
Ben Swank (Fitzrovian Phonographic)
Pete Fowler (Monsterism)
Robin and Nick (heavenly jukebox/The Admiralty Club)
Broader Than Broadway Soundsystem
Poetry%26amp;Words Tent
Friday,22nd June 2007
Dennis Gould
The Far Travellers:
Bob Harding-Jones, Oz Hardwick, Marty Mulligan %26amp; Chelley McClear, PJ (Poetry Jack)
The Urbanian Quarter:
Andy Craven-Griffiths, Phaze, John Berkavitch, Polar Bear
Hold on to your hats!
Poems %26amp; Protest
Open Mic
Festival website Poet in Residence, Elvis McGonagall
The Smooth Speakers:
Jim Carruth, The Honey Tongues, Talking Tekla, Dennis Just Dennis, Tony Walsh
Saturday,23rd June
Poems %26amp; Protest:
Aime Hansen, Byron Vincent, Shagufta K. Iqbal, Corporate Watch (Claire Fauset, Merrick and Danny Chivers)
The Smooth Speakers
The Vagina Monologues presented by Team Vagina
(Janie Digby, Jess Lewin, Chloe Castleton, Arabella Gibbins)
Women's Time
Open Mic (Women Only)
Far Travellers
Riff Raff Poets:
Dennis Gould %26amp; Pat VT West
The Urbanian Quarter
Hold on to your hats!:
Milo, Ebele, Helen Shay, pint-sized poet, Thick Richard
Sunday, 24th June
Poems For The Abolition Of Slavery
P%26amp;W People, including Helen Gregory and Kelly Gaffney
Open Mic
The Urbanian Quarter
Hold on to your hats!
The Smooth Speakers
Poems %26amp; Protest
The Far Travellers
Festival website Poet in Residence, Elvis McGonagall
The Poetry Slam!
The Vagina Monologues
Plus! around the edges - The Poetry Controllers – MILBURGA
Thursday 21st June 2007
The Deadbeats
Dr Meaker
The Maple State
Liz Green
Venus Bogardus
The John E Vistic Experience
Ed Cottam
Lewis Sleeman
Nine Bean Rows
Friday 22nd June
The Whip
The 9000
The Loungs
Scouting For Girls
Thirty Pounds of Bone
The Travelling Band
Haiki Loki
Saturday 23rd June
Orphan Boy
Love Minus Zero
Neon Plastix
The Answering Machine
Durban Poison
The Epstein
Cortina Deluxx
Sunday 24th June
The Courteeners
Cherry Ghost
Liam Frost
It's A Buffalo
Pierre Hall %26amp; The Lead Balloons
Clarky Cat
Rob Sharples
The Grim Northern Social
Sam Hammond
The Queen's Head
Thursday 21st June 2007
Sonny Jim (DJ)
Simian Mobile Disco (DJ)
The Draytones
Candie Payne
The Changes
Underground Heroes
The Servant
Friday 22nd June
Acid Jazz is 20! (DJ)
Mr Hudson And The Library
Ed Harcourt
The Wombats
A Fine Frenzy
Little Barrie
U Brown (with Eddie Piller)
Saturday 23rd June
Sean Rowley (Guilty Pleasures) presents A Pop Odyssey (DJ)
The Horrors
Amp Fiddler
The Rumble Strips
Tiny Dancers
Bench Connection
Ross Copperman
Duke Special
The Lea Shore
Bert Miller And The Animal Folk
Sunday 24th June
Pressure Sounds Sound System (DJ)
Cold War Kids
Seasick Steve
Noah And The Whale
Cherry Ghost
Findlay Brown
Crash My Model Car
Shy Child
White Rabbits
Envy Corps
Victoria Hart
Theatre, Circus and Cabaret
Cabaret Stage
Big Beats
Frank Olivier
Janey Godley
Shirlee Sunflower
Harriet Bowden
Jared Hardy
Attila the Stockbroker
John Otway
Paul Nathan
Steve Gribbin
Mary Bourke
Rory Motion
Radio 4 presents “4 in a Field”
Rhythm Wave
Stan Stanley %26amp; Nina Conti
Barry Cryer %26amp; Ronnie Golden
Jeff Green
Dot Comedy presents “Cuddly Fluffkins”
Phil Kay
Phil Nichol
Nick Wilty
Jim Jeffries
Murray Lachlan-Young
Marcus Brigstocke
Mitch Benn
4 Poofs %26amp; a Piano
Andrew Maxwell
Reverend Obadiah
The Great Voltini %26amp; Nurse Electra
Phil Nichol
Kevin Eldon
Glen Wool
Brendan Burns
Pandora Pink
Reginald D. Hunter
Andy Parsons
Guy Pratt
Ian Cognito
Woody Wilding presents “Record Graveyard” with added rice!
La Belle Epoque
The Black Eagles
The Cosmic Sausages
Dino Lampa
The Esuapim Cultural Troupe
Jonathan Kay Twisted Cabaret
The Stephen Frost Impro Allstars with Phil Jupitus, Andy Smart,
Suki Webster, Richard Vranch, Steve Steen and the inimitable Stephen Frost
Andi Neate
The Cholmondeleys and the Featherstonehaughs
Charles Ross
October Hamlyn-Wright
Taylor Mac
Circus Big Top
Orchestra del Sol – Music
Circomedia - Aerial
Jamie Walker - Diabolo
Missfitz - Aerial
Dino Lampa – Juggler
AJ - Acro
Barnaby Bear with me -
Missfitz - Aerial
Black Eagles - Acro
Tumble Circus – Aerial
Jay and Manu - Jugglers
Haggis – Hats
Miku and Sanna - Trapeze
Matias and Olga – Jugglers
Space Cowboy
Barefoot - Aerial
Grant Goldie - Diabolo
Courtney Orange - Acro
Frenetic Engineering - Holland %26amp; Hales – Aerial
Kwabana Lindsey – Slack Rope
Jay and Matias - Jugglers
Matias and Olga – Jugglers
Dan the Hat - Hats
Dare – Acro
Miku and Sanna - Trapeze
Jay and Manu - Jugglers
Space Cowboy
Courtney Orange
Shirlee Sunflower
Dare – Acro
Marina - Aerial
Angie Mackman - Hula
Dan the Hat - Hats
Tumble Circus – Aerial
Incandescence – Venetian Masquerade
Great Dave
Marina – Aerial
Mario, Queen of the Circus
Angie Mackman - Hula
Drum Summit
Sensation Seekers' Stage
The Sneakers present Courgettes
Charmaine Childs
Hot Potato Syncopators
The Splott Brothers
Frenetic Engineering present 'Les Femmes Fatal'
Dynamos Rhythm Aces
Your Dad
Jon Hicks
Tony Macaroni
The Moosen Men
The Herbie Treehead Band
Your Dad
Jacqui Algie
Senor Chainsaw
Mike Raffone
Dirty Fred
The Other Halfs
Beautiful Stu
Dance Saddlespan Stage
Carnival Collective
Flamenco Aire
The Esuapim Cultural Troupe
The Jaipur Kawa Brass Band
Saddlers Wells
The Twilight Dancers
Rhythm Wave
Cut A Shine
Courtney Orange
The Twilight Dancers
Courtney Orange
John Otway
Big Beats
Bill Bailey
Outside Circus Stage
The Herbie Treehead Band
Dino Lampa
Hearts Tongue
Courtney Orange
Barnaby Bear with Me
Mr. Spin
The Great Dave
Jamie Walker
Chapati Tree Pixies
Shirlee Sunflower
Dynamos Rhthym Aces
Inner Spin
Banjo Circus
Moosen Men
Beautiful Stu
Senor Chainsaw
Guy Pratt
The Better Halfs
Grounds and Around
Installations and ground shows in the three Theatre and Circus Fields:
1623 Theatre with Shakespeare 3 times a day
Jakcie Algae
Avanti Display
The BAC Caravan Installation
Tommy Baker
Banjo Circus
Beautiful Stu
The Biding Time Caravan Installation
Big Beats
Big Rory
BIG WHEEL in East Holts
The Blackboard Project
Black Box Theatre
Blue Moon’s Village Fete
Bosco Circus with juggling and circus skills workshops in Circus Field
The Caravan Duke Box
Carnival Collective
The Cavemen
Chapathi Tree Pixies
The Chinese Lion
Circus Antics with juggling and circus skills workshops in Circus Field
Curious Eyebrows
Cyberstein’s Giant Robots
Daemons and doppelgangers clay workshops
DODGEMS in East Holts
Dodgy Totty with “Open for Business”
Dot Comedy’s Amazing Maze – “Get Lost”
External Combustion’s Light Dragon
Fair Play
Fill up Full Stop
The Flying Buttresses
The Gargoyles
Glow Bros
The Hare and the Tortoise
Heart’s Tongue
Drew Hewitt’s Boat
High Rise Rubber
Joe Hoare and his Laughter Workshop
Fraser Hooper
Housewives’ Return
The Human Juke Box
Incandescence’s Playing Cards
The Incredible Bull Circus
Inner Spin
Tom Tom Keeling’s sound boxes
Legendary Lynne
Kwabana Lindsay
Tony Macaroni
Magic Singh
The Maharajah’s Feast
Mario, Queen of the Circus
Masters of the Kazooniverse
The Miniscule Of Sound Nightclub
The Musical Freedome
The Mystic Swing
Orkestra del Sol
The Other Halfs
Ozstar Airlines
Paint by Numbers
Simon Parker’s One-Man Theatre
Tosa Parkin’s Gracie Spoons
Pandora Pink
Rose Popay and her Glastonbury Festival participative painting
Railroad Bill
Reckless Invention
Roundabout for tinies
Sav and Partner
The Seagulls
Skateboard Ramp Exhibitions
Skate Naked
Skyfyre’s fire screens in Fire Corner in Glebeland
The Sonic Forest 24/7 in Glebeland
Sparky the Robot
Mr. Spin
The Splott Brothers
Stickleback Plasticus
Swank and their Girl Guide Camp
Synaesthesia Entertainments
The Tea Ladies on Tour
The Thoroughbreds
Paul Tolhurst
Trulee Peachie’s Giant Balloon Participative Sculpture
The Ugs
The Unhappy Sideshow
Vertigo Stilts
The Vicrtorian Wenches
The Village Disco
Ben Zuddhist
Trash City – Pyrette Ship Stage
The Apocalypse Games Show
Barefoot with trapeze
Miss Behave
Dirty Fred
Electric Dolls House
Doug Francisco
Captain Howdy's Flying Circus
Shep Huntley
The Mighty Gareth
Light It!
Space Cowboy
Tusk-Fire Pain-Proof Circus
Trash City – Around and About
Tusk-Fire’s Carnie Encampment
Miranda Mutanta and her piano
The Red Hot Vixens
Twisted Dreams
Trash City - Flaming Love Palace
Ebony Bones
Hooligan Night
Dead Silence
Crack Village
Warlords Of Pez
Naked Ruby
Carpet Face
The Vees
Gaz Mayall
Steve Bedlam %26amp; Wreckage
The Pony Girls %26amp; Jo Peacock
Ruby Blues
Fire Corner
Up in fire corner, in the north east corner of Glebeland Theatre Field, there will be a great fire show on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights from Solar, Elemental and the Festival Fire Swingers. And, on Thursday once it is dark, and on Friday and Saturday, once the Saddlespan Dance Stage has closed, come and watch the amazing Eddie Egal and Arson Art present their stunning flame show “Pyronautic”. 60 foot flames, sexy actors and some truly dangerous and ravishing effects – not to be missed.
Cinima Field
Thursday 21st June 2007
Pulp Fiction
This Is England
Donnie Darko
The Blues Brothers
American Psycho
The Lost Boys
Friday 22nd June
Thelma And Louise
Itty Bitty Titty Committee
A Dog's Breakfast
Hot Fuzz
Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring
Pirates Of The Caribbean
Short Film Programme
An Inconvenient Truth
Saturday 23rd June
Scanner Darkly
True Romance
Oasis documentary
Hot Fuzz
Team America
Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers
Pirates Of The Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest
Short Film Programme
War On Democracy
The Magic Roundabout
Sunday 24th
Walk The Line
Pirates Of The Caribbean 3: At World's End
The Last King Of Scotland
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Lord Of The Rings 3: Return Of The King
Cool Runnings
Short Film Programme
The Truth About Weapons Of Mass Destruction
Happy Feet
Glastonbury Festival 2007 full lineup?
Glastonbury Festival 2007
June 2007
Pyramid Stage
Friday 22 June
Arctic Monkeys - confirmed
Kasabian - confirmed
The Fratellis - confirmed
Bloc Party - confirmed
The Magic Numbers - confirmed
Amy Winehouse - confirmed
Gogol Bordello - confirmed
The Earlies - confirmed
The View - confirmed
Adjagas - confirmed
Saturday 23 June
The Killers - confirmed
The Kooks - confirmed
Paul Weller - confirmed
Paolo Nutini - confirmed
Lily Allen - confirmed
Dirty Pretty Things - confirmed
Guillemots - confirmed
The Pipettes - confirmed
Seasick Steve - confirmed
Liz Green - confirmed
Sunday 24 June
The Who - confirmed
Kaiser Chiefs - confirmed
Manic Street Preachers - confirmed
Shirley Bassey - confirmed
James Morrison - confirmed
Pyramid Stage
Sunday 24 June
Damian Marley - confirmed
Stephen Marley - confirmed
The Waterboys - confirmed
Corb Lund - confirmed
National Youth Orchestra - confirmed
Other Stage
Friday 22 June
Bjork - confirmed
Arcade Fire - confirmed
Rufus Wainwright - confirmed
The Coral - confirmed
Super Furry Animals - confirmed
Bright Eyes - confirmed
The Automatic - confirmed
Modest Mouse - confirmed
The Cribs - confirmed
Reverend And The Makers - confirmed
Mr Hudson and the Library - confirmed
Saturday 23 June
Iggy %26amp; the Stooges - confirmed
Editors - confirmed
Maximo Park - confirmed
Babyshambles - confirmed
Klaxons - confirmed
CSS - confirmed
Biffy Clyro - confirmed
The Long Blondes - confirmed
Brakes - confirmed
Reply:The Guardian has the best line up http://music.guardian.co.uk/glastonbury2...
The BBC has the best overal glasters website
Looks like its going to be a wet one :D
Reply:check the website or google
Reply:Get over Glastonbury the hype doesn't match the entertainment.
develop skin cancer
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