Sunday, October 11, 2009

I'm Having Bunion Surgery?

in about 5 weeks i will be having bunion surgey on my right foot. i am 15 and alil nervous about the pain afterward. i have read many questions and answers on here about bunion surgery and the pain involved but the answere vary so much. some say that the pain is nothing and others say it is excruciating. my mom had both of her feet done and also said it was insanly painful. i understand that ppl have different levels of pain tolerance but im still nervous. what type of pain sould i expect? my docter person said i might have to have a cast on mine and not just the special shoe thing. so how long do u think i will have to keep the cast on or the shoe for that matter just in case i dont have to have the cast? i know i forgot to ask something while writing this so any other information is greatly appriciated. thank you

I'm Having Bunion Surgery?
As for the cast if it is used you would need it for about 6-8 weeks.

As for the pain after the surgery it will depend on how much work is done in removing the bunion.

I would recommend getting another appt with your surgeon to go over some other questions that you may have in addition to this one and let him/her know how nervous you are about this.

In the mean time here's the link to a site that may be able to help you find more information:

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