Sunday, October 11, 2009

Where can i get those cool lookin designs on those nike dunks,air maxes, airforces?

yea i wanna know where to get those cool looking air maxes, dunks, air forces with those cool looking designs on them, like stars or like cities drawn on it.. can i get them at normal shoe stores like finishline, footlocker? or is it just those special shoe stores? and do they cost more then the regular dunks,airmaxes, air forces?

Where can i get those cool lookin designs on those nike dunks,air maxes, airforces?
I've seen a few AF1's in stores like foottaction and footlocker. They cost more. If you go to a sneaker boutique (they have a better collection) you can find lots. U can also bring in your own sneaker at a boutique that customizes sneakers, and an artist can actually do the design for you.


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