Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I just found out that my super shoes are not all that super. What now?

Should I throw my cape away and my patent leather boots too?

Has this whole hero thing been a joke?

Is the world just as safe without me defending it from evil?

Will criminals no longer cower from my special batch of justice?

I just found out that my super shoes are not all that super. What now?

Dont ever quit.. you probably have made a dramatic change in many already..

Quitting only makes us weak.. Dont give up..

Reply:your justice is weak. cow dung.
Reply:Well, if the store you bought them from SAID they were super, then you can sue them for false advertising.

Are the cape and boots defunct as well? If not I see no reason to throw them out.

I don't know what kind of evil you are defending the world from or what your specail batch of justice is, so I cannot say if the world is safe without you, please elaborate.
Reply:Don't worry you were just getting in my way half the time anyway, now I can get my rounds of justice in a half hour sooner every night.


Underwear Man
Reply:never believe the salesperson at the Super hero store !! they're just trying to make a buck !!!

skin rashes

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