Sunday, October 11, 2009

What makes you special? If you were creating a photo montage of your identity, what would you put in it?

I was wondering who I could "visually map" my tastes, to express them as how they may be different than someone else's. And see if I could draw a collage/montage that expressed it.

Where I'm stuck is I'm not sure If I'm asking myself the right defining questions: Here's how far I've got:

I love sushi, and hate well-done steak.

I love silence, and hate background music.

I don't like advertising, but I work in it.

I love cashmere to the point of having eight (8!) grey v-neck cashmere pullovers. I hate manmade fabrics.

80% of my entire wardrobe is light-blue to dark-blue. Another 10% is pink. I am straight, male, and not afraid to wear shoes decorated with flowers.

I liked, through the years, heavy metal, punk, jazz, French chansons, Italian canzoni, and now silence.

I'm a very good skater - ice or inline, a goodish rock-climber, a very bad driver (I live in the middle of a city). I never learnt a musical instrument and I regret it today.

That's me. Your turn. Paint yourself in words

What makes you special? If you were creating a photo montage of your identity, what would you put in it?
hmmm..very interesting indeed...bit worried about the shoes decorated with the flowers though...

Mines might be too long..and i'd be giving away far too much info...sorry.

Reply:Everyone is special or noone is special!


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