Sunday, October 11, 2009

What do I need for my first boxing class lesson?

I'm brand new to boxing and I have my first lesson on Saturday. I'm going to wear gym appropriate clothes, but do I need a special shoe or should I just wear my basic sneakers? Do I need anything else?


What do I need for my first boxing class lesson?
Some of the things I'd recommend for a beginner boxer's first class...


Athletic cup/supporter (if you're male)

Good pair of sneakers / athletic shoes

Towel to wipe the sweat off

Water to drink

... the instructor will let you know what type of gloves they'd prefer you to wear (what weight) and if you'll need head-gear
Reply:Call the person sponsoring the lesson and ask him "what do I need for my first boxing class lesson".
Reply:wraps, mouth-piece, gloves (ask your trainer what kind he wants you to get), head-gear, groin protection, towel, water
Reply:10 points to the "WATCHER" thats some good info. Thanks!!
Reply:Lets start with some of the basic things that you will need at this stage of your new career.

SHOES - A running shoe will be best because the toe part of the shoe is slightly bent upward. This will help you to learn how to turn %26amp; move on your toes. Don't buy an expensive pair because all the turning you do in them will make them fit loose long before they look worn. Stay away from flat shoes or even boxing shoes because those are also flat. Later on when you can move on your feet pretty good then you can move up to a boxing shoe.

SHORTS - "DO NOT" wear a pair of shorts that are too big because when you start jumping rope they will start to fall off. Also you don't want to have to worry about your loose shorts showing off your nut-sack every time you are doing sit ups! Try a pair of brief under shorts as well.

TOWEL - So that you can not only wipe your sweat off but when you are doing sit ups you can lay on it.

JUMP ROPE - Get a cheap plastic rope that is very light in weight, heavy ropes make you drop your hands, get a light inexpensive rope.

GYM BAG - Get a small bag so that you can keep all of your stuff in it and "make sure that you keep all your things inside of it" DO NOT leave your crap all over the place.

HAND WRAPS - Let your coach sell you a pair and hopefully he has the Mexican style which are more of an elastic type of wrap. The cloth type become loose and are not very secure.

WATER BOTTLE - If you are taking your own water then make sure its only water, no Gatorade or other sports drinks. They make a sticky mess if spilled and aren't really good for you. However ask your coach 1st, I give my guys water only every 4 rounds of work. Water slows you down and it always gives you an excuse to walk away from what you are supposed to be doing so ask your coach about this..

STRONG MIND - Be alert and try to focus on what you are learning, do not be afraid to watch some of the more experience fighters or even ask a pro if they have any at this gym a question or two. A thing that you should know about pro boxers is that most of them are very humble and are willing to give you some advice. I think we have covered the basics for now, you really won't need gloves yet but if you do then thats your next question. (Ringside sells some good stuff)

I am very glad to hear that we have a new fan of this great sport and good luck to you, Im sure you'll love this game...
Reply:Lots of aspirin, a belt, shoes, gloves, tape, mouthgard, smelling salts...


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