Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sprained foot?

I sprained my foot a little over a week ago. I went to my doc who x-rayed it and said it was not broke. He gave me Vocodin, and 600mg of Motrin a day to take. I COULD NOT take the Motrin, even cutting them in half, my stomach got tore up.

I still have quite a bit of swelling (he did give me a special shoe to wear) and still have black and blue coming out all over the top and bottom of the foot.

The questions I have are: What could replace the Motrin for the swelling? Aspirin?

And should I still continue to ice it , as I am doing every day now?

I can't call my doc, he is out for the Holidays and he did not go over what I should do.

The pain is still awful and I am out of Vicodin.

Can anyone out there help me?


Sprained foot?
try to take the over the counter motrin,...with something in your the two hundred feet are both tore up now from achilles tendonitis...and fallen arches...and i tried the 800 and tore my stomach up too...but found that the over the counter 200 were tolerable...and no vicodin just take some aleves...they seem to help and keep your foot elevated...good luck! I also keep my feet wrapped up loosely with bandages for support....Yes, Arnica montana 6x is stronger, and works great for bruising and cramping.
Reply:You're so sweet, and Merry Christmas to YOU and thanks! Report It

Reply:Please take Carbo animalis 30 ---3 pills and Arnica 30 ---3 pills

in every one hour intervel and the sweling will come down and

the pain will defenetly come down . These medicines are

available in homoeopathic medical shop .even if u take allopathic

prescription it doesnot hinder or cross link these medicines

so follow it till u get cured of.


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