Sunday, October 11, 2009

How ca u tell if u have a fractured toe?

if so do i need a crutch or some kind of special shoe?

what should i do?

How ca u tell if u have a fractured toe?
Generally, when you break your toe, the foot will swell and you'll have considerable bruising at first and you can't curl the toe. However, very little is done about a broken toe other than splint it to the one next to it. I've broken toes many times. It may be more comfortable to wear large loose footwear (to accomodate the splint and until the swelling goes down) or a slipper (for around the house) on the affected foot for a while, but you do want to protect the toe from being bumped again if you go out by wearing something with a strong solid toe area. I already owned shoes with a steel toe, so when the swelling had gone down, I wore those for a few weeks.
Reply:see a specialist
Reply:with an x-ray. And no...even if you wnet to the doctor there is nothing you can do. Maybe get some medical tape just to secure it and stay off it for a while.
Reply:Your toe will immediately swell and bruise. You will also not be able to move that toe without crying and cursing! There is really nothing you can do for a fractured toe unless it is deformed in some way. Get some surgical tape and tape the fractured toe to the one next to it to keep it stiff and still. DO NOT put shoes on today if you can help it. Put the foot up and stay off it for today. It takes awhile for toes to heal so get some ibprofen. I hope this helps.
Reply:you can find out by x-rays, go to the ER. and then if it is broken, they'll just tape the broken toe with another toe, and you can wear normal shoes.
Reply:You will have a lot of pain for a while. It will swell be red and bruised, also may be hot. Use aspirin and soak in epson salt.

You will have to suck up the pain for a while but crutches aren't necessary. (sorry it sucks)
Reply:Bruising, swelling, pain, and deformity of the toe. Also, an x-ray is good. Unfortunately, unless the toe is all crooked there's not much a doctor can do except splint it. You can tape the bad toe along with a good toe together and that will help with the pain. Shoes? A solid shoe (not flip flops or sandals) will help keep the toe protected too. Crutches? You can use them if they help you out. OTC pain meds like Aleve is good and ice helps the swelling. Also, keep your foot elevated when you're not walking.
Reply:it would swell up
Reply:get an X ray.


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