Sunday, October 11, 2009

How to unjam a toe?

I jammed and fractured my toe two weeks ago. It is extremely painful. My doctor is sending me to a podiatrist next week but I wanted to know if anyone knows what I could do to elviate some of the discomfort and swealing. I am already using the rice method and my doctor said not to buddy tape because it could cause the toe to heal wrong. I have a special shoe to wear but the toe does not seem to be getting better. How can I just unjam the thing at home without inflicting further pain.

How to unjam a toe?
You could just pull it but I would not recomend that becuase you could do further damage. I am currently going through the same thing and my doctor says unless I was a ballet dancer treatment was not really neccessary. He said the best thing to do is use the rice method and stay off of it as much as possible. THe special shoe should help you get around though. JUst be careful not to treinjure it. I hope you start feeling better soon. Also you could call the doctor and tell them how much you are hurting it might be possible that tehy coulod set up an appointement sooner. GOod luck! ;)
Reply:If you put an ice pack on it for about 20 minutes every hour or two, this will help to reduce the swelling an will also relieve some of the pain. Also, you could take some Advil (as directed). Advil will also help reduce swelling and help the pain.

This will help you until you see the podiatrist next week.
Reply:don't touch nothing till you see this doctor. you may make it worse and then you will be sorry. you can go to a doctor that specializes in diabetic feet they have more experience and they can help better. i have seen where pain is one of their things to take care of


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