Sunday, October 11, 2009

Are you in my shoes?

Hi, i have been accused of cheating in two subjects. One subject (geogprahy) i have to admit i did cheat but last year people did it and the old teacher didnt mind and everyone else was doing it this time but I got 0 on only one paper nd a few others. I may still get a good score because i got two averages and one above average in my other sheets in that subject test. And the other subject, history. I didnt even cheat byut she thought i did because i didnt swop my papers around and she gave me half marks so i go 60 something percent - crappy! And like today i said "they were right about you" and ran down the stairs and my teacher said he was going to tell the head but then i dont think he will because he have 3 weeks holiday and he didnt talk about it he told me to sort it out with the other teacher and what would he tell the head anyways - he would just seem silly, wouldnt he? And like recentl;y i have been late to lessons - forgot my homework, talked alot and i dont want a reputation

19 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.

Additional Details

19 hours ago

as a bad cheat! In the past i have had the odd detention and notes in my planner. The only time i have been in serious trouble was once when this girl slapped me and i slapped her back and we had a "fight" so i got a letter sent home and those special letter things get put on your school record (im in the UK btw). And apart from that i am above averge in most subjects academically, well behaved , does great homework and is focoused and trys my best. i just feel really shitty at the moment, im 14 and in yr 9

Are you in my shoes?
did you give a reason for your love one to think you are cheating.
Reply:Man it is time to get your act together.
Reply:No, I'm not in your shoes. I'm 20, a female and never got in trouble for cheating.

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