Friday, November 6, 2009

I have foot pain. How do i get rid of it?

I used to have really bad foot pain but i got some special inserts for my shoes and the pain for the most part went away. Now i am not aloud to wear tennis shoes for my job so have to wear black oxford type shoes. The pain is back. With the same insert it dosen't help. What can I do? If the pain is like this I won't be able to work.

I have foot pain. How do i get rid of it?
You really need to see a podiatrist (foot doctor) or an orthopedist (bone doctor) to get to the bottom of why you are having such severe foot pain. No one, not even a doctor, can tell you what to do without an examination, a medical history and pertinent questions which will help determine the basis of the pain.

Pain is a warning that something is wrong. You will depend on your feet for the rest of your life and ignoring the pain could lead to permanent debilitation. Please see a specialist asap.

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