Friday, November 6, 2009

How to get a girlfriend?

I seem to be having a lot of trouble getting a date. All of my friends are getting married or raising kids. I haven't been able to find anyone who is willing to go out with me yet. I'm not sure if I'm missing something, like some special words or magical shoes that I'm supposed to wear when I meet girls that no one has told me about that I'm just supposed to know of, but for some reason don't. Is there anything I should be doing?

I don't think that my standards are too high, basically someone with half a brain and who isn't obese. I don't pretend to be anyone else. The people I do know say I have a great personality and I am very sociable. I talk to women all the time and I'm not afraid to ask anyone out. I work out 4-5 days a week and eat right. I'd say I have better hygene than most guys and like to dress well (not overly though). Sometimes I go in phases where I kind of give up and don't bother looking for someone and other times it's the opposite.

How to get a girlfriend?
Itlbox - a lot of people (male and female) have problems connecting with the opposite sex. Please just know that you are okay.

Look around your local area and see if there are any dating 'coaches' or dating classes. I live in Chicago and there is an lifelong adult learning center called the Discovery Center and they offer short classes and seminars on topics like "How to Flirt" and "Coffee Dating."

Also, you might want to join a 'singles' group. In Chicago they have something called HighLife Adventures which is a way for single people to meet other available singles while participating in fun activities (not just going to bars).
Reply:First of all, if you want a girlfriend, I don't think it is wise to be advertising "How to get a girlfriend" on Yahoo answers. It kind of makes you sound dorky.
Reply:Ask a woman how much beer she can drink. If she's a drunk, then you'll get a date.
Reply:Maybe they all think you're too good to be true and are therefore gay or taken. Sometimes that's what I think about men.
Reply:It sounds as if there isn't a problem with you personally, per se. It seems that you are actively looking for a girlfriend, which may be your problem. Just relax and do your own thing; women will come along eventually. :)
Reply:You should be nice and if she smiles or walks slow to her car, then she likes you. Or maybe she thinks your your gay, incinuiate that you are STRAIGHT. I don't mean to be mean but, you DO take care of yourself...


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